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Drew Vass and his article of "American Made" at AGRR July
Mr ass probably need some education for knowing more financial knowledge before making a threat to Fuyao Glass America, if he has the knowledge, then all of us can see his dirty mind.
FYG hires 90% and more local staffs, pay more than 100m for them annually, when the glass made in china, can these be paid to us workers?
FYG purchase all direct materials from us based companies, these companies also pay significant amounts to the US employees.
Any profit made by foreign investment will be taxed before sending out as the award for their effort of creating JOBS for local community.
the people like Vass has no idea how local Dayton residents think about FYG, They say Fuyao is the sun in the blue sky, brings a dead town back to the world.
an old saying " god is at 3' above you", what you doing, god is watching.
Re: Drew Vass and his article of "American Made" at AGRR July
I re-read the American Made article and I don't think it is negative toward Fuyao at all. It explains how 90 percent of the paychecks from the plant go to Ohio households and how Fuyao is a very good neighbor. I am not sure why you do.