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it's time for auto glass to be done in shop only. Recalibrate your own windshields and perform the job correctly without inference from curious finger poking site seers. Time for customers to respect glassmen again, not treat them like landscapers and garbage collectors. You want your big investment car done right...Bring It In!
I need an engine overhaul and I am looking for a company that will come and do it in my driveway after another company replaces my transmission there. Hahahahahaha!
Exactly, I can see home rebuilders coming to the houase, but a car is mobil...simply drive it to a shop and uber yourself anywhere you want to go. Time has come.
We each have an opinion to which we are entitled. Im guessing the shop owners would like the mobile service abolished, whilst the mobile workshops would like to have the option.
Sweeping statements to say all windscreens should be installed under a roof makes no sense. Since having a roof over the vehicle makes no difference to the job quality, unless of course weather interferes.
Service 8® is a mobile only service and the job quality of our installations do not suffer. That said, in our location we are blessed with over 300 days of sunshine each year and in addition the temperature is optimal for the Sika products we use all year round.
We always request the vehicle to be under cover if possible, not because it makes the installation better. More to do with it being so hot here, this is for the personal comfort of the technician.
There are however situations in which a mobile installation could be compromised and it does make me wonder how companies get the the job done safely. For example, I know of a large corporate auto glass company that recently made the decision close its stores and provide mobile only services. This would be fine but for the fact that in this country over 4 months of the year it rains and for another 3 months it's freezing below the safe parameters Sika recommend for using it's products. So how do they operate?
Whether impacts windscreen installation quality I think we could all agree. Wet weather compromises bonding surfaces not just directly but in terms of humidity too. This same humidity is also present under a roof. In addition when you remove a windscreen when its been wet the dirt and sludge that accumulates behind the glass/moulds is wet too. Most technicians indoor or out smear this mud around the bonding surface and this also compromises the install. We use a compressor to minimise this, but the best scenario of all would be to wait for a dry day. However, in the real world this would never happen, since it would cost too much in lost productivity waiting for that dry day.
So whats the solution? Personally I don' think there is one, the arguments are too complex. Its easy to broadcast a solution on a forum but implementing this in the real world is very challenging. In addition more regulation just taxes us further and for what? The guys with the rip, tear, bust, careless attitude will still be around. Installation quality comes down to the individuals ethics and pride, this is a skill that has no certificate, licence or KPI to measure so it's often overlooked.
The way I see it is If we can build a skyscraper 300+ meters high in the open air then we can install a glass into a vehicle in the same conditions. It just takes a little bit of care and common sense.
Service 8® Auto Glass, you are correct when you say that if we can build a 300+ meter sky scraper out in the open, then we should be able to install a glass outside too.
Therefore I hope that should you ever require brain surgery, the doctor will be willing to do it conveniently for you in your back yard.
After reading your words in the post it is obvious that you agree with me, but you conclude with an idiotic summary, contradicting everything you admit to and practice. Think before you type
After reading your words in the post it is obvious that you agree with me, but you conclude with an idiotic summary, contradicting everything you admit to and practice. Think before you type
It's called ironic sarcasm. Now go take a nap and rest.
After reading your words in the post it is obvious that you agree with me, but you conclude with an idiotic summary, contradicting everything you admit to and practice. Think before you type
Idiotic summary?
The post was idiotic. Stop with the "it's not fair" rant. If you think it necessary to burn tens of thousands of dollars on a shop front each year then no problem. Just stop banging your drum labelling any company who chooses not to as inferior. The topic has been beaten to death on this forum over the years.
Just do what it says on the tin, its pretty straight forward. The best advice is to take your time and not look to get jobs done in a Jiffy. This is a root cause of many problems we have in the industry today.
After reading your words in the post it is obvious that you agree with me, but you conclude with an idiotic summary, contradicting everything you admit to and practice. Think before you type
Idiotic summary?
The post was idiotic. Stop with the "it's not fair" rant. If you think it necessary to burn tens of thousands of dollars on a shop front each year then no problem. Just stop banging your drum labelling any company who chooses not to as inferior. The topic has been beaten to death on this forum over the years.
Just do what it says on the tin, its pretty straight forward. The best advice is to take your time and not look to get jobs done in a Jiffy. This is a root cause of many problems we have in the industry today.
So where do you re-calibrate ADAS systems? Oh, I get it, fly by night hacks don'
After reading your words in the post it is obvious that you agree with me, but you conclude with an idiotic summary, contradicting everything you admit to and practice. Think before you type
Idiotic summary?
The post was idiotic. Stop with the "it's not fair" rant. If you think it necessary to burn tens of thousands of dollars on a shop front each year then no problem. Just stop banging your drum labelling any company who chooses not to as inferior. The topic has been beaten to death on this forum over the years.
Just do what it says on the tin, its pretty straight forward. The best advice is to take your time and not look to get jobs done in a Jiffy. This is a root cause of many problems we have in the industry today.
So where do you re-calibrate ADAS systems? At the Super8? Oh, I get it, fly by night hacks don'
Service 8® Auto Glass and JiffyGlass-- you two appear to have your knickers in a knot.
There are FORMERLY great universities in our country which now provide special services to the faint-hearted who are unable to handle disconcerting notions that are anathema to their over-protected experience. They are special playroom retreats where the little dears are treated to milk, cookies, coloring books and play dough.
Perhaps you each should look for one near you where you can rest and regain your spirits.
May the blessings of the third parties be with you!
After reading your words in the post it is obvious that you agree with me, but you conclude with an idiotic summary, contradicting everything you admit to and practice. Think before you type
Idiotic summary?
The post was idiotic. Stop with the "it's not fair" rant. If you think it necessary to burn tens of thousands of dollars on a shop front each year then no problem. Just stop banging your drum labelling any company who chooses not to as inferior. The topic has been beaten to death on this forum over the years.
Just do what it says on the tin, its pretty straight forward. The best advice is to take your time and not look to get jobs done in a Jiffy. This is a root cause of many problems we have in the industry today.
So where do you re-calibrate ADAS systems? At the Super8? Oh, I get it, fly by night hacks don'
DIY ADAS Calibrations done with generic devices void the manufactures warranty, at least thats how it currently is here. So in the interests of our customers calibrations are completed by the dealer, this officially preserves their warranty. Until these details are sorted out by your States Legislation, thats the way to go in my opinion.
In addition we are unsure why a small business would want to invest thousands on a calibration device anyway. They have limited use at this stage, you can only use on only certain brands, they will require updating regularly, etc. Good luck with that if you intend to head down this path in this early beta stage.
Try and stay on topic JiffyGlass and understand that making public statements calling companies you have never met and don't know hacks makes you look foolish. Not everyone thinks like JiffyGlass and just because another disagrees does not call for smug directed comments.
Back to the initial post. If you operate in an environment that falls within the parameters of the products you use then you are fine. Shackling your business to street address and post code is an option that in this day in age will cost you in lost revenue. In addition I visited your website and JiffyGlass also boast mobile services, so im really not sure what your argument is anymore.