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wtf: this is the second so called inspection in a month
any else been having this problem? call in to safelite for auth and get a random inspection for glass damage and this is only the second am fam job we have done hum 2out of 2 seems like safelite is trying to screw with the little guy again
Yep, thats what they do now. Actually it's not just am fam either. But this is the catch, if you don't hold the vehicle at your shop safelite swoops in and one of their "inspectors" just so happens to have the windshield in the back of his inspection van! And then while he's there inspecting, well hey why not just have the "inspector" replace it for the customer. Its gettin really bad out there now on this. I actually had an "inspector" come out and he was pokin through my shop lookin for a car, I told him it was in the paint booth and to get the F outta here we got the "inspection" handled.
Why are we letting these people on the property? Are you an SGC Member? Is it a law in your state that you have to make the FNOL to a TPA? If not why do you report the claim to the network anyway? Can't you confirm coverage through a local agent? I get my customer involved and do not call the network if the customer does not do so beforehand. As far as inspectors, if they are not licensed, they do not come on my property. Otherwise what is to stop some inexperienced person from telling me what I need to do to my customer's vehicle. From where I sit, this is a matter of public safety not trying to save the insurance company a dime. No call to the network, no inspection. Doesn't anyone see the connection here? How many inspections do you think are being done on vehicles being worked on by Safelite? Their technicians must not be prone to committing fraud, but we are??? I will say it again. We are our own worst enemies.
Haven’t been paying attention have you. What glideraz is experiencing is the “benefit” of that wonderful law those fools in AZ worked with legislators to get passed. You remember right?
“Representatives of the Arizona Glass Association, including Rex Altree of New Image Auto Glass and Kerry Soat of FasBreak, both of which are based in Arizona, worked closely with legislators to reach an agreed-upon wording in the bill”. -
BTW - How many IGA directors are SGC members? Do they have to suffer through Belsafe inspections?
no not a member of their network i don't believe i should be part of a network that also installs glass it seems like a conflict of interest. we are new to the billing part of the industry we have only been in business for about a year(been installing for 20). so it's still pretty new to us this just seems like a scam.
In AZ, whether you join a network or not no longer matters. If you expect to bill an insurer, you will have to play by their rules; including billing through their chosen TPA.
Be sure to thank you local association for this wonderful “benefit”...without the need for “membership”.
In AZ, whether you join a network or not no longer matters. If you expect to bill an insurer, you will have to play by their rules; including billing through their chosen TPA.
Be sure to thank you local association for this wonderful “benefit”...without the need for “membership”.
And welcome to the here and now.
If that is true I sure feel for you AZ guys. That has got to suck.
hate to tell you this, but it's not a safelite thing. it's amfam's and geico's way of "verifying" damage on jobs being done by "non approved" shops. how do you become approved? by agreeing to their pricing and signing an agreement. suxs don't it.
Who do you think is behind these inspections? GEICO wants to inspect windshields and sends out a Safelite truck. Do you really think that was GEICO's idea? And if they are not licensed tell them goodbye. If an insurance company wants to inspect, I would think that it should be a licensed claims adjuster. It is bad enough that they are adjusting claims through CSRs who do not know the first thing about a windshield. The best way to get around it is never initiate a call to a TPA. Use the agents. These claims are never stolen from me.
well we did alot of research on this and spoke with the vice president of glass claims for am fam and he was very forthcoming on the inspections qoute"we use an outside claims company to do the inspections" we further asked who it was and with some delay he told us in az they use d&b appraisals we did a lot of research on them as well and it doe's look like they are truly an outside company with no ties to the glass industry. he said they are doing these inspections to try and cut down on the fraud on bogus claims. he also said it should only take a maximum of 24hrs to get it taken care of usually same day. i hope some of this is helpful to everyone
If that's true, why does a Safelight van with a Safelight employee who just happens to have a SGC windshield show up to do those inspections?
Somebodies yankin' your chain Glider.
Have your customer tell them that they can do an inspection but they better not touch the car or attempt to change the windshield. Suddenly there is no need for an inspection. Why is that? Because Safelight won't waste their time when they have already been told not to touch the vehicle.
I hate to fan the conspiracy theory fires, (well, that's not entirely accurate, lol) but if what was said about an outside entity doing the inspections that isn't Safelite, is true, and Safelite is showing up to do them, does this raise a red flag?
I have had 2 jobs inspected for AmFam,niether was done by Safelite Both wre done by an AmFam glass inspector I have 1 now been waiting over a week to get it looked at. The Geico inspections are done by Safelite Techs who do carry a w/s to inspection. Even my Am Fam agent had to wait to get his personal car inspected. He is getting tired of the complaints from insureds about this so maybe it will change at least let local agents inspect would be better
Just to add a note to this string, I found out the other day that no one is available to do inspections "after the fact", meaning after the work is done to be sure it was, in fact, done. Seems they only send out folks before the work is done?
It would appear that inspecting to see if work was actually done isn't a priority at all.
That is interesting, because if it really had ANYTHING to do with fraud or helping to stop fraudulent claims then by all means, they would be doing "post" inspections more than "Pre" inspections.
Don’t know about that. I bet Hakim, Lee & Cates and Cascade would beg to differ...about the "smoke" part anyway. In other words, the "up front" we know about. The "afters" aren't so public. At least not until someone is "charged".
I can't see why agents aren't allowed to "inspect". Seems that would avoid the suspicion of collusion and it would give agents a chance for contact with their insureds. Sometimes that provides a chance to upsell.
just got another one yesterday what do you know another inspection evryone seems to being flagged for random inspection, is any one else experiencing this like this?
listen this is the deal, dont blame s lite because american family called for an inspection.
that was not s lite choice. it was a decision made by american family and they chose someone to do it for them.
stop all this bashing it is so short sided.
i think it would be more productive to look at the reasons why so many insurance co's are calling for inspections then bi#$%^*& about who is doing them.
fraud is the reason and if you dont do something about it we all will have more rules that make it harder to do our insurance work
If it is all about the fraud, why don't they actually do something to stop the glass companies that are behind it. I know some of these false claims might be the customers but I'm sure if they investigate a little further they might find out that the glass companies are behind it also.
i agree there is a lot of fraud out there it just sucks that a honest company has to jump through hoops to service there customers oh well one of my customers that had am fam switched ins. cause of that
I Still want to know...If it takes a day or two for inspection to happen & the Customer gets a ticket, Who pays the ticket??
What if the w/s is badly broken & they get into an accident, Who is Liable??
wanna hear something funny. was at a body shop the other day, shop owner called us out to change a w/s for a customer, was part of a farmers claim and right as i get there i see a farmers adjuster pull up, so im thinkin ok not a problem i use to be a body tech and i know how they can be and depending on who it is hes probobly gonna ask why sl aint here doing it what with being a farmers job and all.... soo he walks up to the car and stands there for a sec, lookin at me, and says hey can you get me a price on a w/s for my personal truck when you finish? so i did, and when i was looking it up i said i thougth you guys were tied to sl pretty tight? he actually said " i wouldnt let those guys near my any of my cars, i try to find alternatives for my customers every chance i get, ive never had anything done by them go smoothly be it install problems or billing issues, theres just no comunication going on in that company." he seemed to like the quote. so well see. just thought that was one to toss into the fire here ..