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Re: Who is Coast to Coast

Now that is some funny stuff!
and glass girl no a windshield is not going to shatter. you must be one of the sales reps because thats the line of B.S. that they tell customers. Oh and yes it is coast to coast that she works for!! thats just one more thing that the federal investigaion can add on to the list. see ya C2C....

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

Here I will help educate you C2C sales people. WIndshields dont shatter, They are laminated safety glass, THEY CRACK. Door glass and back glass is usually tempered and will shatter. And no your Dodge truck windshield wont fall in on your lap if it doesnt have its top molding. Keep up the good work!

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

Soooo Glass Girl, What say you now??

I cant recall any of my personel being arrested! I thought you only hired the best!!

Karma always gets those who deceive!

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

Glass Girl, I hope you're kidding. If not, please change name. Coast to Coast glass, brilliant!!!!!

Glass Girl
Yes, you're right R - innocent until proven guilty. It's so strange because I've always read and been told that if someone tries to actually intentionally crack a windshield, it usually shatters - not cracks. It's kind of weird that anyone can make a crack, right? I'm not too technical - do you know?

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

Glass Girl
Glass Girl
Actually, Coast to Coast is licensed and operates in AZ, FL, MA, NY, SC but they're expanding. They use Pilkington glass and their own installers -- they don't sub out the work. They also do chip repairs and are really developing that service for customers, which is good. I know they're at gas stations, car washes, etc. but you know what -- I like the business model - it's legit -- if they weren't confident in their work and product, they wouldn't offer a lifetime warranty. They're not afraid to sell and promote themselves, and instead of hiring a flashy advertising agency or something, they use a live sales person who can answer questions, help with the ins. stuff -- sounds like a good, old fashioned American business to me, but that's just me.

Their lifetime warranty is useless if they're not around tomorrow regardless of their CONFIDENCE.

You're right Yololli. But, Pilkington also has its own warranty, and they're definitely not going anywhere. To me, it just doesn't seem like Coast to Coast is either - they're expanding and generating buzz. A lot of the negatives seem to come from jealousy or because people don't know them, but that's just my opinion. I feel like Coast to Coast is actively out there in the market (everytime I come on these boards, they're entering into or are talking about another market. I think that if they grow like they seem to want to, Coast to Coast could perhaps compete with Safelite - not now, by someday. Seems good for the market and industry - more options for customers, jobs for installers, work for sales people, customer service positions, etc. We definitely need that now!

Glass Girl,
What's your opinion now of the glorious C2C????? They sure are creating a buzz, did you mean that's the sound that's created when they're breaking somebody's w/s?????? And right again, we surely need that type of company now!

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

haha Told you guys it was a scam. Lets see who's next.

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

I saw an article recently where a C2C employee was driven to Tampa to "scout" parking lots for chips or cracks in windshields and was paid for each one she found. Well, she was arrested for actually making chips in the windshields so she could get paid more money. What a scam!

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

Just because they direct market to the real customer, the vehicle owner, what is the problem with that? This is America which is built on a free enterprise economy. C2C is a company that is bring a fresh sales idea (a change) to an industry that is stale in its business practice. How many AGR businesses are still trying to compete with the sales model that S/L controls and sets the rules? Good luck to C2C for having the vision to take on S/L and force them to honor a new method of servicing the real customers, the vehicle owner.

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

New Blood
Just because they direct market to the real customer, the vehicle owner, what is the problem with that? This is America which is built on a free enterprise economy. C2C is a company that is bring a fresh sales idea (a change) to an industry that is stale in its business practice. How many AGR businesses are still trying to compete with the sales model that S/L controls and sets the rules? Good luck to C2C for having the vision to take on S/L and force them to honor a new method of servicing the real customers, the vehicle owner.

you are either a new c2c employee or manager, or just dont give a #@%& about the vehical owner. C2C lies to about 85% of their customers to get ther work, they treat there employees like dirt. (no respect, no insurance, bennies, or anything then they tell you you are a dime a dozen) sorry to say in my opinion you have no idea what you are talking about! by the way I dont even think they have workmans comp.

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

oh yeah i forgot to mention they are molding most of their ideas after safelite, they even ask sl vps for advice on alot of things!!

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

"lie to 85% of their customers"...? I would like to understand where and/or what data source you used to back up your statement.

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

Just the other day over at Pilk, Their guys were laughing at the fact the majority of the glass they replace isnt even damaged at all! Sounds honest to me.

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

okkkk....still does not sound like solid data to justify "85%" comment

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

ok my bad I truly do appologize about the 85% comment that was a tad over kill! Coast to coast is by far the best glass company to work for in the WORLD!!! oh wait just kidding! today was only 50% lies, and yes I can back that up!!!!!!!!

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

ok my bad I truly do appologize about the 85% comment that was a tad over kill! Coast to coast is by far the best glass company to work for in the WORLD!!! oh wait just kidding! today was only 50% lies, and yes I can back that up!!!!!!!!

okkkk...."back it up"...lets hear the 50%....

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

@ Glass Girl - Yes you can "crack" a windshield. You can use an awl, leather punch or a screw driver... we do it all the time durring training.

Re: Who is Coast to Coast

You are right. They replace windhields that are not broken, and their manager Russ is a total *******. He talks to his employees like they are caged animals. I've went in to pick up glass and heard them belittle their installers, calling them names and even asking them if they needed drugs. They hae some good isntallers working for them, but I do nto know how they keep the good ones when they are treated like crap.

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