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LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

For the record I want to say I LIKE Steve Shaw as a person. I have had a number of conversations with him over the years. As I see it LYNX has gone from being a crutch for the independent shops to a rope around our necks. Steve is a nice person But LYNX’s agenda is to perpetuate LYNX not the independents. ( as I see it). I posted, I invited a LYNX Rep. to a LIGA meeting. The answer was, they were to busy to send anyone. Maybe sometime next year someone could come to a meeting. Steve is aware of my post and my understanding is he was less then happy about it. So we know he does monitor this board. I am not trying to alienate LYNX and am looking forward to the definite possibility of a maybe that a LYNX Rep. will come to a LIGA meeting in 2007. LYNX had no problem meeting anywhere, any time and even paying to host the meetings when they were forming. In my opinion a LYNX Rep. traveling around to the various independent glass association meeting and communicating with LYNX members could only be a good thing.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?


The LYNX folks (Steve Shaw and many others) over the years have made appearances at all levels of the AGR industry and the message has changed significantly since the beginning.

The problem is that the conversations haven't really changed much since the beginning and both parties come away frustrated at the very least. Many come to the meetings looking for a solution to an individual situation. Others come to vent and rile up the audience without any chance for real change.
Either way, the group as a whole is not likely to benefit.

What did you expect Mr. Shaw or any other TPA rep to bring to the meeting?

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

A little mutual exchange of information maybe.
Perhaps a little incite as to where the industry is today & LYNX's perception where it may be headed.
an Over view of METRIX and its intended goals.
Some face time between LYNX and its participants.
Some incites on day to day industry problems and maybe some problem solving techniques.
Seems to me M this should be more than enough material to fill a 90 min. meeting.
Don't you think?
Or would you rather just stay in the dark with your head buried in the sand?

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?


There is no chance that LYNX or any of the other TPAs are going to have an open discussion with glass shops about their plans including the role of Metrix, it just muddys up the water for them. The only opinions they are interested in are the insurance claims VPs that will buy their services and perhaps a dozen AGR glass company executives who control a large block of the industry. The small guys are just churn.

If you really want to press the issue and get a feel for what is happening in the claims arena, don't invite Steve Shaw. Invite some of the insurance company claims VPs who have hired LYNX and ask them the tough questions about the future of small claims like glass.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

Worth a try. Anyone know possible contacts? Our association is always looking for guest speakers on industry related subjects.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

The evil empire will not divulge it's plans for all of you underlings. It is the element of suprise that makes the victory so sweet. Silly earthlings.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

So I suppose you working for diamond makes you invinsible eyeswideopen?

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

Better keep your eyeswideopen, for in battle the pawns are always the first to fall

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

What if a glass shop requested to be able to attend one of Lynx's meetings? A good contact person would be needed of course. You would think the TPA's would want to set up their own meetings with their clients (glass shops) and see what each other could do to help each other out. It has gotten to cut throat in the glass/tpa industry. They must realize that it is the glass shops that are helping out the TPA's. If the TPA's didn't have the glass shops, they wouldn't be able to service their other clients (the Insurance Companies) as well. So why not ask them to put on something for glass shops to be a part of? I think they would WANT to come to one of the glass industries community meetings.
They just need to realize the the independent shops help them out tremendously. It's time they give us some respect. Like Dr. Phil says: "You teach people how to treat you"

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?


Have you ever toured LYNX? I think they have tours and will talk to you while your there... so why not the LI people go to florida.. ? Just a thought... sometimes you have to give a little, and hey lets face it no hurricanes this year and nice weather whats the fuss :)


Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

Sglass, do you mind if I ask if your company does any other service like FG, Showers, etc., etc.,?

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

Glasswoman: When do ya have time to watch DR. Phil?

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

No strictly auto glass But am thinking about expanding to house glass.
The LYNX tour is very nice. Everything you see has ribbons & bows on it. I want to see the part that has the garbage piled up & the rats running around in it.
Alas those doors are locked.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

Florida beats Columbus or Eau Clair.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

Oh I didn't know they did tours!!! I would be more interested in having a claims representative attend or speak at one of the association meetings. That might get more people to participate as well.

The Dr. Phil things..I take a break from the glass world when I get to leave the office and chill. I have a DVR and personally some of his shows are quite interesting! Plus I love to have my husband watch it!! ha ha ha.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

I do not and would not work for Diamond.

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

eyes wide open don't let these people bother you sometimes i think people are just here to raz each other i know i enjoy the banter.. I did work for D/T and they paid well and were very agressive in the market place..

Re: LYNX maybe a meeting in 2007?

It doesn't bother me. I find it humorous. You have to have thick skin in this business.

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