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Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

My opions is it’s time to divert efforts and energy from trying to stop steering to stopping unsafe installations. When we complain about steering it sometimes seems like we are whineing about being a small company and not getting our share of work when competeing with major chains. The answer to that is”Well that’s’s Capitalism”. Big companies with more resources, better buying power and can cover a larger territory are naturally going to get more work. Either toughen up, get lean, work 24/7 little shop or go home.
Now the safety isuue. We know the corner cutting techniques, foul weather instalations, slop & drop attitudes and get it done a s fast as you can mentality of major chains. We start talking about how a poor installation can mean the difference between walking away from an accident or being carried away in an amblance and you now have listeners.
Politicians don’t care if you can compete in the market or not. It won’t generate an issue they can use to get votes. Show them where an unsafe installation can cost them a voter and give them a platform to stand on where they can look like a hero and now the stage is set for change.
A proper installation takes longer. Major chains will not be able to do as many in a day as cheply or as quick as they do now. They will have to hire more people. Their overhead will increase and the price will have to rise to compensate. Production will slow down and jobs will over flo into the market place. This will also eliminate the fly by night, cash and carry, no overhead, slop and drop installers too.
OMG I think Mark 1 is rubbing off on me!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue


Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

I think you are correct and on the right track, question is how do we "prove" to said politicians that the steering issue is leading to unsafe installations? Just explaining to them how the TPA's work and the quantity of work they are dispatching to themselves (without anyone else ever having a shot at it even though we have signed their crappy low paying contracts) would be hard to prove. Even if you prove the high number of installs being done how are you going to access the information regarding the installers personnel or staffing. Just wondering? I know I give the "SAFETY" speech to every w/s installation quote call that our company receives, in an attempt to educate as many consumers as I can, sometimes we'll get the job even though we are higher after the safety issued is discussed. But as someone has stated on the forum before "investigators on the scene of accidents rarely note that the w/s could have been a factor in the amount of damage or injury sustained in the accident". So that leaves considerable burden of proof regarding the issue that would be required to get the attention of politicians. But I totally agree with your anaylsis of what would gradually occur regarding the business practices of the large chains, especially the ones that provide TPA service and do installs as well.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Keep in touch with your attorney general,public safety commissioner,any E.M.T.'s.And i mean on a consistant basis.Almost to the point of bugging them.You can also have a small talk with your local fire department.IT does work,but politics are slow.Don't never give up!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Speaking strictly for myself, I've got a whole bunch of poorly repaired WS documented, a whole bunch of state laws sidestepped or ignored, and a whole bunch of *****footin' goin' on at the state regulator's office.

Somebody should write a book....wait, someone did!

More to come on

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Mark1, every install we do where it is obvious that the w/s has been replaced before, and not well. I ask the vehicle owner who installed the w/s that is in the vehicle presently. You're probably not surprised to know some are factory bad installs, but more often than not unless they bought it new in which case I do document, they don't know who installed it. In some cases it was subbed out during collison repair so the owner will give you the name of a body shop. Do you think if I called these body shops they would tell me who did the w/s replacement (rhetorical question)? So I'll start trying to follow up and gather even more info than I have. Document, Document, Document...........right? But I've got a feeling the response from the body shops will not be an "eager to help one", they aren't going to want to devote time in researching subs on old collison claims involving w/s replacement.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

So Mark1, who's your publisher? LOL

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue


First, 'twas not I... but I am getting info on whom and where to get a copy(s).

Second, it does not matter who installed it, just that it's out there running around endangering people's lives. Document the facts in front of you. Chasing the rest is considered here-say. Pics are concrete.

Don't worry about whodunnit.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Gotcha Mark1, good advise.....I suppose it really doesn't matter who installed it just that it was not safe. Looks like we're going to be investing in that digital camera after all,(my boss isn't into tech, and especially spending money on it takes alot of talking on my part..unless it's a tool) if my documentation is going to hit with any punch pics will be required.
I'll be looking forward to the info on the book. Just joking about your publisher, you have so much knowledge I thought perhaps you'd compiled and published it.
EXP: AG Business Management for Dummies , as you are always being asked for advise. All in good fun OK?

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Mark1, I want a copy too!!! LOL!!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Louise, you imply that I took offense and that you feel the need to apologize; I did not and you need not. My apologies for making it seem you needed to, if I did.

I am wondering right now, if one posts the info about the book when I get it, if Brian is going to think it's an ad?

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Brian leave the post alone please. The book is a valuable information soucre not an ad.I would really like to see it.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Well, well, well.....looky what I found......

Copy the link into the url in two sections, NO space between. I did this so the window in here wouldn't be three miles wide.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Mr. Nader was keynote at last years AGRSS conference and from what I have heard he was quite taken with what the industry had to share with him regarding the impact of improper windshield replacements and seemed genuinely interested in helping to bring the problem to the publics attention.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Mark1, I did not take offense and was not apologizing. I was simply stating that you had posted good advice. I do not have thin skin. So you need not apologize about thinking you made me feel the need to apologize, whew I apologize for this confusing post

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

You too have me confused and I didn't even apologize!! LOL!!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Glass Lady, I apologize

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Okay, I apologise too!! Now I feel like I am in the loop!! LOL!!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Love means never having to say you are sorry.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

See, I really am confused, I can't even spell right!! It's been a very long week!!!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Well, we may gripe about things when we feel we have a good reason, but, at least most of us like EACH OTHER. lol.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

My goodness, look what I started.....


I apologize if I caused anyone to feel the need to apologize for any apologizing, and if I caused anyone to apologize that didn't actually need to apologize, but if anyone did in fact need to apologize, consider this a freebie in the future or a get out of jail free card in case someone does actually need to apologize or if someone feels the need to apologize or if any apologies are needed.

I apologize for the length of this post.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Sglass' post reminded me of the old "Love is ..." cartoons that used to run in the paper and appear on coffee mugs and t-shirts back in the 70s. Anyone remember those?

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Mark1, Okay, I'll use mine as a "get out of jail free" card. Being the opinionated person that I am, I'll sure I'll need one to toss to Webmaster sooner or later. LOL!!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

At least no all business all of the time, fuddy duddy's have complained about us having a spot of fun with this thread.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

You can get the job done and still have a still kick back and have a laugh once in a while. I think that's what keeps me sane!!

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

WOW I wish they would make one book on each state!!! Makes me want to buy it!!! If any of you have read it, let us know your thoughts.
How do you find these things Mark1

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

You fuddy doodies is what makes this forum so fun to read, I can just see mark1 there typing his response like he knows it all :) thats ok you amuse me, now dance!!! DANCE FOR DADDY! :)

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

I like this one best.....

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue

Tommyb(Protek) I am sure Mark1 forgets more knowledge every day than you will ever hope to acquire.

Re: Steering issure vs. Safety isssue


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