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Auto Glass Olympics

Well rested, adrenaline flowing, no interruptions, no traveling time, pristine car to work on, tools all laid out, no next job to go to, and working inside in a comfortable environment.
HMMM…Nags and insurance Co. people watching. Is this the hourly labor time we want fixed to windshield replacements??
Is the Olympics set up to help the industry or a tool for the powers that be to tell us how long a windshield replacement should take and pay us based on the winner’s time?
Yes there is a prize for the winner and bragging rights. BUT
I get the feeling a carrot is being dangled in front of our eyes and we will pay in the end.
What do you think?

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Relax Sglass. Paranoia may destroy ya.

The Auto Glass Olympics ONLY agenda is to promote safe and proper windshield replacement, the AGRSS standard and unite the industry at a fun event.

Trust me - no one is hiding on the grassy knoll.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I am not paranoid Webmaster. I am a veteran of many years in the trenches. I am not dissing you and I appreciate this forum you provide But you are shall we say one of them, not one of us. There is no disrespect intended but we all are who we are.
I’m not paranoid, they ARE out to get me.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I mean no disrespect towards any of you either. I work very closely with Holly Biller (my supervisor) who at this very moment is busting her hump to organize the AGTO as well as the Windshield Repair Olympics and I can assure you that her only objective is to put on a worth while and memorable event for all who participate and attend. She has the office right next to mine and I can hear everything that goes on over there and I have yet to hear her on the phone plotting with Jesse or Bud on how to turn the event into some kind of way to set hours for jobs.

If "those folks" are in attendance at the event it is not because we've arranged to have them there.

From reading and maintaining this forum I have become some what sympathetic to the plight of the independent glass shop owner. But you are correct - I'm not one of you. But I'm not "one of them" either. I'm just a former bartender who loved computers and web design enough to go back to school and learn how to do it.

I'm loyal to the company I work for and it does ruffle me a bit when you suggest that the event we have been busting our butts to put on for you guys is somehow a conspiracy to further some clandestine agenda against the small business owner.

I'm not saying not to post your thoughts but I do respectfully ask that you really consider what you are saying before you post it.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics


Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I do understand your position, your defense of what you are doing and your frustration with people like me.
I admire your loyalty and respect your logical well though out responses.
Welcome to the frustrating world of dealing with AGR shop owners.
Don’t let me get to you. We are both just pawns in the AGR world.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

It is not a timed event. I repeat - it is not a timed event. However - if, in the event of a tie, then and only then will time be taken into consideration.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics definition of your IS being timed.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics


Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Although the purpose of the Olympics is not to establish install times, I think it could be a by-product of the event. Like Webmaster said if the powers to be are in attendance it is not some ploy but at the same time they are there, observing, taking notes, etc.

I do think the Olympics and the whole event are a positive and necessary event for the AGR industry. Unfortunately in most big events the people that work the hardest to put it together do not get the appropriate thanks from the majority.

Just the thoughts of another pawn.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

JUST REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE ONE WINNER EVERYBODY ELSE IS A LOSER (ricky bobbys dad says if your not first your last of course he was high)SHAKE AND BAKE THANK YOU BABY JESUS

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

One of the things I've learned over the years is that there is no convincing any of you of anything. So - with that said - why don't you guys go back to picking on Hal. I have it on good authority that he is the one you guys really need to worry about. HA!

Just kidding Hal.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

If you want to know how the event is judged, a scoresheet and the rules and regs are online at

If you guys have some better ideas on how to conduct the event we'd be glad to hear your serious, constructive feedback.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

From another pawn-If those of you have serious doubts to this program, perhaps you should go there in person to complain. Or better yet, sign up and compete.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I think the point Sglass is making is a valid point. I do not believe agrr mag or any of the people working on this event have any strange motives, but I think the majority of "us" in the agr field are always very weary of any and ALL circumstances that can lead the TPA'S and INS co's to further erode our industry. I do not believe there is anything covert going on, but I know as much as I am BREATHING right now,, If the ins ind, can find ways to beat us up more,,,THEY WILL! This is kinda like,,, If you beat a dog with a stick enough, even a good intention of playing fetch, will make that dog cringe! Please webmaster, and agrr mag, do not take any offense to some of us who wonder,,,, we've been beat up real bad!

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

And by the way Sglass - you're on my mental list of long time posters that I know I don't have to worry about and I appreciate that.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Why don't we have an Olympics just for CSR's like me who do not install? We could have fake customers call, see how fast we look up the part, cost, availability...then see how fast we lose the job when they get a low-ball quote from Safelite and/or Diamond and/or AGS.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I'm not sure if you meant that to be funny but you made me laugh out loud.

Re: Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Now that was funny !!!! Way to go GlassGod. This was clearly the best post of the year.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Webmaster, i followed the link u posted about the rules and such for the Olympic Events, but maybe i'm missing summtin..
Will the contestants know what kind of vehicle they will be working on?
Will clips and other "accessories" be availible?
i'd hate to see some fellow use a 'thane clip.
I assume this will be a 'one man set' competition too?...
or u can tell me to "follow the link deeper" lol

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Give me a few minutes and I will find out.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Okay - questions directly related to AGTO can be posted at

I am told that the judges visit frequently and will answer you.

Or - you can email your questions directly to Holly and she'll reply to you.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I believe there is a 2 hour time limit and from I heard about last year, most were completing jobs in the 1 to 1 1/2 hour time frame. The vehicles are from one of the rental companies, Hertz I believe.
I also heard of an installer last year working so fast so that he could be the fastest installer at the Olympics only to be stopped and scolded (this is the nice word) by one of the judges because of the very low quality work he was doing. Regardless of what anyone might say or think, all that I have spoken to, including one of the judges, it is about QUALITY and getting the job done right and in a timely manner which is what is expected of all of us on any given day. If additional time is necessary, (i.e. rust), times are adjusted to ensure a proper installation.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Realistic Olympics
1. Call Tech on phone have him look up part.
2. Give Tech 20 min. To arrange claim w/Ins. Co.
3. Give Tech 5 min. to order glass.
4. Have Tech walk 1 block to spot 20’ away to where his tools are.
5. Have Tech set up and do replacement.
6. Call Tech randomly to look up and quote price for other replacements.
7. Have Tech pack up and carry tools to spot 20’ away.
8. Give Tech 15 min. to complete and process paper work.
9. Have tech walk one block back to starting point.
This will be a fair judge of Tech’s abilities and replacement time.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

way to go glasssgod, I'm glad you put ags in the same realm as safelite and diamond!

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Didn't used to but the quotes I am having to match or try to match from AGS (Belron) here now are disgraceful.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I agree with Sglass' concerns, but from a different view point.

While I don't think there are any ulterior motives behind the olympics (and personally, I like the 'badge-man' on the grassy knoll, and the shooter in the storm drain theories) I do think that there is a substantial by product of the olympics that one should consider, and that IS the time it takes to do it right.

Sglass points out that this installer has LESS to worry about than the average installer. I agree. However, I don't agree that this is saving any time, from what I am told of the events taking place. (I have not personally attended, my info is second hand, admittedly). However, there should be little difference between a customer who is watching you like a hawk or a group of people in a parking lot watching you, or a set of judges and viewing attendees.

I think that the lack of the next job, the elimination of interuptions from phone calls from CSRs and other customers, and such, will allow actual time, but that the judges and spectators are really no different from real life. (unless the installer does things in real life he wouldn't normally do if someone was watching...but let's not go there)

So, as in another string, my point was, if the best of the best take (example) 2.5 hours to complete an install following all proper procedures and being graded on their performance, why shouldn't the rest of us not be allowed at least that much time?

Just thinkin' out loud.......

Oh, and to one man or two man sets: if an installation allows 3.0 hours, and two men take 1.5, then it's still 3.0 hours. Keep that in mind when doing the math. I have to tell you, we're seeing S send two guys in a van a LOT more lately, with no big WS in the back. Gas conservation, or manpower conservation, or mabey both?

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

How about a contest where some random person makes a post and see who can respond quicker me or glassgod.. hehe we both a post a holics :)

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

HERE IN MN. they are the same as sgc and dt!

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

actually I'm not sure if you guys are postaholics or you just sit at a desk and don't work,,, ha ha, just kidding. yea so whats my excuse???? slow as molassas, this week. Although, as soon as I go to cut the grass, 3 customers and 4 phone calls,,, go figure!

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

xxx...I am office puppet/glass cutter, jack of all, master of little, but not a tech.....Slowed down a lot here too...can use the break though, been crazy busy since beginning of the year....

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

if i remember right, henry ford had a contest every summer at the company picnic, having guys compete to see who could tack upholstry quickest on car seats.

evidently that created a standard for time that was to be spent on car seats.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Glassgod,you are to funny.Your right though,belron is doing the same thing if not worse than dgc and saflie.Dummies.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

Amen, Glasssgod.

Re: Auto Glass Olympics

I agree with webmaster. If you have concerns print off the score sheets. I was truly amazed at the score sheet used for last years event. In fact we have taken some information from the score sheets just to "check" our own installers, keeping it light and fun of course.

Of course, the best way to "inspect" the event is to ATTEND the event. Last years event was great in Las Vegas. I hope to have the time in the future to actually register as a participant. It was a lot of fun just attending for the time I could.

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