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Is everyone getting the return envelope with every invoice sent from PPG?
Hey PPG save the money for all these useless envelopes I don’t need, Plus the postage it cost to mail them and drop your fuel surcharge for deliveries.
Glass I do need.
Not the point.. do you spend 60 cents mailing them? I told PPG why not make the specials an emailed offer only.. if you do not have email you do not deserve any deals...
they normaly pay a bulk postage which is paid monthly at a discounted rate based off the percentage they mail so it may only cost them $.10 an envelope and $.22 for each postage not only that Bachman why worry about PPG they just add all those cost to whatever you order from them so they dont care . Do you even use PPG
"What PPG spends we pay for"? You must be a very big account of theirs. Like the others, who cares about their envelopes? If they didn't send them out, people would be complaining about that.
Sometimes you just can't win.