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Did a DW1168 the other day. The one that came out of the vehicle was a Pilk gtn. It looked like it was shaded but the shad area was like a 3rd visor frit all away across the top. Any one else seen this? Also years ago some one brought in a DW685 for us to install it was a crinamex with an antenna. Any other odd ones out there??
yes thats, oh forgot the DW number, but a 15 something. It goes in the last model of the S10, i think it went in the 03 or 04 chev s10 4d quad cab or the 04 chev blazer 2d. Have to look tomorrow when i get back to the shop as to what years it go in. So yes the, last model year of the s10 had the 3rd visor all the way across the top. I've done a lots of these.
Pilk switched to a dot matrix shade band a couple years ago on some parts, we got a W1411 GBN a couple times from them and instead of traditional blue/green shade it was all dot matrix. Looked pretty cool I thought but wasn't willing to take chance vehicle owner would think that. I haven't seen one since.
He's back, and he sounds just like bachman, networklover. ppg prostarmember, etc. they get out here and post on every thread,,,,, must be nice to have,,,"too much time on thier hands" too too too much time, too much time,,, yea I'm a 80's freak too! all I know is this week we have been sooooo busy we can't hardly keep up.. nice thing about it,,,, sgc and lynx are almost begging us to do the work because the network shops are NOT taking care of customers in a timely fashion,,, and we are getting alot better pricing because #1,,,, customers INSIST on our shop,, feels real good,,, moral of the story,,, keep doing the best work out there, don't cave into BS pricing,, get your jobs the old fashioned way,,,, earn them,,, customer TRUST, RESPECT, AND CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SHOP.... I believe things are coming around to those who can SURVIVE!!!! GOSH IT'S BEEN AGREAT COUPLE OF WEEKS! Sorry I'm bit off thread here! oh yea wierd 1168 Yea saw it once. By the way we had a customer today appologize to US for the crappy way sgc handled thier glass claim. They had to tell the csr 5 times who they wanted and only after sgc knew the customer was not about to buckle in they called us,, 2 days in a row,, then they finally offered a price that was BARELY acceptable! I really LOVE it when they make themselves look SOOOOOO BADDDDD! Way cool! Only the stronge will survive
Have'nt seen a dw1168 yet.Have replaced alot of dw1265's tho.My understanding is it was a trial to see how the public felt about the difference.Never did have a complaint about it.
Yes GM is replacing several of there "traditional shades with this DOT METRIX SHADE. The new grand am's Express Vans Trailblazers and yes they even did it on the final production of the s-10's. They all have new NAGS numbers with the third visor frit.
I have not seen the glass manufactures doing this on exisitng numbers. Everything I have seen has a new part number and the dot shade is usually the only visible change from the existing number.
But he's not talking about 3rd visor frit, we all know what that is, I think. He's talking aobut Pilk w/s's that have a matrix band all the way across in place of traditional blue/green shade band, not just dropping down as a 3rd visor.
it a DW1557 GTN, it goes in the last of the 04 or 05 s10's and blazers. If you go and look it up it will say "Dot Matrix shade" not the thrid visor on it and your only choice is the GTN. Its the same as a 1168, just you have the dots across the top, on the 04 and 05 thats whats coming out GM as factor.
well, its just like the other topic that someone posted about 1265 interchg with a newer one. My computer dose not tell me its a interchg, but when its a cash job and someone wants the cheepest thing we give them the option as the 1557 is still more then a 1168, and they usually take the 1168. And yes its the same thing, vin ins the same spot, same mirror brkt same everthing. The same blazer they made since 94. I've seen these since last year and thought no big deal, GM just changed it the last year or two of it.
did a o5 s10 trailblazer today for local sheriffs dept. it was the dw1557gt, I took out the same, and it was a factory set. maybe a way around 70% light penatration. no shadeband, lets them darken the tint. just a thought. or the manufactures are trying to find a cheap way to make more money by charging us a shade price for a tint with freckles.
I am not talking about the third visor friteither , yes everone probably knows about it, but it appears that not everyone know about the DOT METRIX SHADE. An example is the DW01330 was replaced with the DW01478 that added the third visor, then that was replaced with the DW01547 with eliminated the blue shade and replaed it with the dot matrix in place of the shade.