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Combating Low Prices

I'm interested in getting some feedback of how Independant glass shops inform/educate the customer regarding the state of our industry, specifically pricing. I am well aware that there will always be bottom feeders, but how would one explain to a customer calling to get a quote what to expect from a glass shop?


Re: Combating Low Prices

Try to keep it brief, but plant the seeds in their mind on a good seal and primers. Wet headliners and floors, electronics shorting in the dash are things that will make them start thinking.

I never had much success trying to explain the difference in glass or training techs. A few would listen but not as many as the leak problems gets.

Re: Combating Low Prices

It may be the day where you have to pay cash for some pieces and just get cash back and make gas money off some jobs, I turn down 7-10 a week that if I just did as cash in the pocket I could make 700 more cash a week . I have morals and pay taxes thats what I am guilty of.

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