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I was impressed with D/T’s hint in a change of focus towards quality and not just price. Like em or not, they are a major player in the industry. I think that an organization of their size sends a powerful message that the glass business is a legitimate business and we should be treated like on.
My opinion is that we have discounted our industry (myself included) into people thinking we are just a commodity. We may sell a product but it takes skilled technicians, continuing education, a support staff and a lot of equipment to install that piece of glass.
Everyone in this industry, top to bottom deserves to be reasonably compensated for their hard work. Hopefully this change in posture continues to blossom throughout the industry?
When will you guys learn? it's not the company or the name it's the installers that make the industry. We the installers are the ones who reflect a better business perception not the company name. I remember when diamond was just a warehouse. It takes a great tech to make a business & to lead it to growth! Push your state to license your installers so that all the hacks will be held accountable for thier crap and the better will blossom! If a company wants more then they deserve from any installer then that company will fail, so let them push thier people to install more for less. How long do you have to beat a dog before it turns on you?
don't buy d/t crap about raising prices, here in my town they are starting back just like they started by cutting prices, asking what the competitors price is. their installers have all left, went into their own business (after stealing all they could) talk about hacks, you should see now what they are using, don't buy d/t's crap. they are the cancer on the auto glass industry, now that they are down, continue to help them in the direction they are headed!
Let's see-hmmm...a new name huh? well then, take the best(or worst) of the two names and you get Diariu Auto Glass-good name for a horrible company-and remember, the pink stuff ain't gonna help at all-down the hopper with the whole mess-
No,I am pretty sure that most of these guys have quit and are working for better companys.Explain to me triumph boy how changing the name is going to help?Is that like trying to shine a turd?
As I read it the company has several names (Diamond, Triumph, Settles)and is just going to have one common company name. No big deal but it makes sense. I also agree as the second largest player in the industry if they could drive quality, service and price it would be good for everyone. The have a whole new executive team in place who seem very serious about changing things.
Name changes, new logos, new pads and pens, signs and new YP ads-its all very wonderful, butits not gonna help,especially with lots and lots of ExDTs like me who were not fired but QUIT and are still in the businness who are going to let just about everyone know just who they really are-quite honestly, I'm looking forward to spreading the truth-
If they feel the need to consolidate there names then so be it. But in my opinion, if they don't help to stabilize market pricing, then all the time, effort and money spent on the face lift is futile.
It’s all relative, when the big guys have a good year so do us little guys. I just wish some of the big glass installers would realize this and stop cow towing to the insurance companies and networks. We need to start protecting our industry the way they do and stop letting the TPA’s and insurance companies pit one against the other on all levels.
This is great news in my market. triumph has a rep for being low cost. this is great news for us little guys. this is the best news we have had to look foward to in a long time. I hope other big boys follow.
please, wake up and smell the coffee! d/t is a sinking ship, they will change name, paint trucks, change pads, pens, etc... but they will still have the same plan.... run the mom and pop out then raise prices there. without installers they got nothing... don't believe a word from them... they are the cancer of our industry... keep them down at all cost
I don't think it is D/T's job to help anyone but themselves. But if they wake up and realize that doing w/s for free will not put anyone out of business but themselves. It will be a positive step in the right direction to a stable and legitimate trade. Who knows, may some day they will speak of Kenny Levine like they speak about Gary Lubner
with all there positive changes they are makeing for our industry, Getting rid of the installers that steal, hack and do side work. It doesn't look like they are going away. Look they stood up for us little guys against SF. maybee we all will make our money that we work for. thats all I need!!.
I wouldn't bank too much on D/T acquiring these companies. How much money was lost on the Settles deal? And the people who brought that idea to the table are now making all of the decisions Just sit back and watch! It's like watching a sitcom. They just get rid of Highly paid and knowledgeable Sales Managers and now announce that a newcomer will be taking a key Sales role. Isn't that a bit contradictory?
If D/T plans on surcharging for gas or decides to impliment new pricing to go along with there new quality agenda, I hope they post it on glassbytes? I'm sure that would cause a wind fall of postitve support.
I have heard they are trying to buy market share. That makes me laugh, you can't buy market share and keep it. Once the customer base finds out the people who own the company are not the same they tend to leave.
The new DT leadership team is world class and from the fortune 500. If some of the people they let go because they steal or do not perform post bad things on here about the company it just shows how sad those individuals are - they should be spending time looking for a job. Over time I know DT will change the industry for the better and will have some of the best people. Just watch.
I disagree, I think the only way to grow is to buy quality people. Customers are not going to leave the people they have done business with for years just cause of a different owner. You also eliminate the competition and gain market share.
I am just surprised it took the big guys that long to do it
Diamond Rules . As an interested observer I have never seen this company run better .Finally the Company has a Executive management staff that is concerned about the company and not just themselves .This is a big change for the Company and everyone better just step aside and watch this Executive team steel the market
Wal-Mart sells a diverse amount of products, D/T sells only auto glass. In the old days we could give away the cash and wholesale glass but make it up on the insurance work. Unfortunatly, that has all changed but for some reason we continue giving it away across the board. The only way I see it getting better is if the insurance pricing stabilize and the other prices rise.
I am sure that D/T’s buying power dwarfs any of us but, as D-Flawless points out so does their infrastructure. I believe that our industry is just as important as the insurance industry , networks or any other. But the discounting culture that has existed for years (I am guilty too) has blackend the eye of a very good industry. Any step to fix that by any company is a positive step.
I also believe it will take something that this industry is not used too, a unity of auto glass installers towards the better health of our industry
SB - uniting this industry is tantamount to creating global peace........... ain't gonna happen ......... kudos? kudos? ..... i tried to keep my mouth shut but, how do you give kudos to a "hint"? .... so someone in their corporate office hired a new p.r. person to take the focus off the FBI investigation.... that deserves kudos? .... give me a break!....
I am not sure what you are talking about but, I can assure you that I have no affiliation to D/T. I don't feel I have been hinting anything. D/T posted an announcement that I thought could be potentially good for the WHOLE industry and I offered my opinion. I believe that D/T is a huge player and could send a strong message that pricing has hit bottom. Obviously, we independents haven’t been able to stabilize pricing, so maybe they can.
I belong to an insurance board, a car wash association, and have attended many glaziers and auto body meetings. The common thread in the other industries is that they look out for the common interests of the industry. They are all competitive but they don't go around knocking everyone and everything. There isn’t a consistent negative aura in the room and this sentiment that each person or company is the only one in the world that can wash a car or write a policy.
When our state tried in enact a sales tax on touchless washes they hired a lobbyist and fought. This is similar to how the Auto body association is always lobbing for fair pricing and the Insurance association lobbies against everything (by the way they are all very healthy industries.) I guess what I am trying to say is that in my opinion, there seems to be a higher level of professionalism.
SB - Sorry about the delayed response. I've been in a rat race & the rats are winning. --- I didn't mean to imply that you were part of D/T.. I meant that it seems D/T has hired themseleves a new P.R. firm to clean up & beef up their image; which you have to admit, is not so good......
While you are right about needing a "huge player" to send a message to the insurance industry and NAGS and hopefully the public,I,and I think probably many others, feel that D/T may not have the independent shops best interests in mind.. Can we ride on their shirt tails, if they succeed at what you perceive their intent is, hopefully......
You are fortunate to be a part of so many organizations where the members support each other. You must understand that the shops in Southeastern Wisconsin, where I am located, have been hit very hard by shops that will install any piece of junk glass for 5 or 10 dollars over cost...... We have people working in management positions for our suppliers that encourage technicians to apply for work at shops other than their own.. ( by putting up an advertisment for employment opportunities...) We have insurance agents that refuse to give you work unless they get a gratuity...... we have people working in the industry for over 20 years at various places, but nobody knows anybody; except by reputation....... There ARE many of us who respect each other, but we don't get together, because we're all working hard to maintain the status quo............... BUT, we are also being flooded by shops whose sole purpose seems to be to destroy the integrity and standard the industry in this area once had......
The belief is that D/T and Safelite have established the game here. And the game stinks.
So you see, SB, when people respond to posts on this web site, they often make the mistake of venting, rather than exchanging information..... call it lack of professionalism if you will..... we are a frustrated group here, and our attempts to pull together have been shot down at every turn....
Thanks for the response IB and it think most of us don’t think the business is what it used to be. Also, I have to admit that we don’t have managers hanging help wanted signs in the warehouse. Just curious, has anyone contacted a supervisor or started to use there competition?
D/T is the aggressor here and I assume they are in most parts. My opinion of D/T was one of hope as well compliments. As I stated before, not for one second do I think D/T would do anything to help the independents, nor do I think they should.
From what little I know about D/T, I assume that their current philosophy of doing business is flawed. Because most well run businesses don’t overhaul there whole management staff, have the FBI at the door then look to diversify all because things are swell. But what ever the case for their change of philosophy, I still feel that it may turn out as a plus for the industry.
A man from a very large insurance company has said to me number of times; “as soon as someone in the industry says no to a discount increase we will know we have hit bottom.” Well that was years ago and to my knowledge, it still hasn’t happen. Maybe all D/T’s woes will be that message? Maybe they will have no choice but to charge people a reasonable price instead of Mr. Levine walking around saying “windshield are free” like the old days.
There philosophy of selling low to put someone else out of business seems to have backfired but, not without putting a strain on the industry as a whole. So, if they want to try another approach based on quality or anything else, then I have to give them Kudos.
SB -- I truely hope D/T can pioneer change for us all. Although I think the Bayer Company will be unhappy when they see their sales drop because I won't be needing so much aspirin........
mo money --- I'm assuming you have some inside information regarding PPG... if you do, perhaps you can let them know that the transition period should be over... annnnnnnnd they may want to monitor both their sudden lack of quality and their customer service practices....... or is that asking too much?