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So why didn't you guys fix everything?

So I go away on a short vacation, slept very well, had great dreams, and really enjoyed myself because I knew when I returned home you had all fixed every problem in our industry......

..... BUT YOU HADN'T !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with all of you? You must be to busy installing glass with all the referrals LYNX and SGC are faxing over I take it!

Re: So why didn't you guys fix everything?

No wait..... I know what it is.

You are still dragging those very large bags of money to the bank, courtesy of the "fair and reasonable" folks at LYNX and SGC of course.

Need any help with those bags?

Re: So why didn't you guys fix everything?

Guess this post wasn't quite as funny as I thought it was?

Well, at least I had a great vacation !!!

Re: So why didn't you guys fix everything?

I think everyone was waiting until you came back to help us fix things!!!!!!

Re: So why didn't you guys fix everything?

So that is what I get for talking(posting) so much? Idealism, it will always get you into trouble !

Re: So why didn't you guys fix everything?

The idustry will never be fixed. I would compare the industry to the IRS. We all know a Fair Tax ot Flat Tax would be best for our country, and would eliminate alot of taxation problems, but to do this the IRS would have to be abolished. Do you think that will ever happen?? The government would never give up their most powerful department. So, with that said, do you think the insurance companies are going to give up their power?? Do you think the politicians will enact a law to hurt the insurance companies at risk of loss of political donations? Wont happen. The cash industry is the fault of ALL glass shop owners. You complain about pricing, but yet you lower your price to keep up with the others.The problem is society has become too weak, and will not stand up for themselves or stand together as an industry for that matter. Its too bad it is that way, but I dont see any changing anytime soon.

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