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My shop is located in CT & all auotglass installers must be registered with consumer protection, now with this in mind has any other state followed suit? & if so which ones?. I personaly feel that this is a great way to take the small look out of the glass industry. All I ever hear is how Safelite this & Safelite that, but has any company ever looked at the entire picture?. The way I see it is like this if it was'nt for us the installers or small glass companys how long could Safelite manage without the insureds or cash customers calling thier bluff for you see you can't please all the people all the time, so I think what we must do in the mean time is to strengthen our industry as a group & not one by one. When everybody is held accountable for thier own actions or wrong doings then only the strong will survive not the biggest. Safelite only has 2 years left before they can claim chapter 11 AGAIN, so before they get bailed out by the goverment AGAIN we the installers /smalll business owners must unite! As you all know the indutry depends on US not Safelite or it's network. I believe we must turn this picture from installers to TRADESMAN then we can turn the tide & offer our services to them as a true trade.