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Dogg, I would like to know, do you have an email I could email you at?
I know you had a comment about MN glass shops, but dont know what happened to the comment, Its not listed any more.
I banned Doggs IP address and removed that post. I'm certain that he was someone who posted to this forum before with the sole intention of starting trouble. The IP address he posted from was one that I had banned before but unwisely let someone persuade me to unblock it. The post you are referring to insinuated that shop owners in Minnesota got together to conspire and share unethical business ideologies. I would be surprised if its true. He also made another post about being a sales rep which sounded extaordinarily like a couple of previous posts that share a theme where he is the best employee but gets no credit and is treated poorly by the owner, gets fired and then takes his skills and clients away from the owner that fired him. I honestly have no clue as to what this guy is trying to accomplish other than possibly diverting every ones attention away from valid industry issues. Any way - unless he has another way to get in here, he won't be responding.
Yes, thanks that is good to know. I guess I am learning who is the good ones. I was gonna ask him for a job, (just kidding) looked like he was making more money then the rest of us.