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Just informed that Farmers Ins. has enacted a new Glass Claims policy language.
I do not have a copy of the exact language, but after speaking with a local agent's secratary it goes like this:
***Farmers will only pay for 3 glass claims over a three-year period per vehicle policy. Repairs will be counted as a glass claim. ***
We just had a customer who had her glass coverage dropped because she had 4 chip repair claims in the last several months.
It seems the insurance companies are all getting out of the glass business gang. Is this a good thing? I guess you will all have to answer that question for yourselves.
And, seeing that claims below the deductible are going into the clue database as a claim, even with $0 dollars paid, it is reported to becoming reason to drop the insured period after three 'claims'.
Interesting stuff, and yes, moving more towards no glass coverage.
I too think this will be a good thing. The lowballers cannot survive on strictly lowball pricing, and without steering to boot, the house of cards will tumble.
YOu have to wonder about the networks foresight on this: They have provided the insurers with exactly what was needed to work themselves right out of the claims processing business, and cut their own throats at the same time.
Mabey one day they will be thinking about their bed partners.
Did you also know that there is a reported HUGE meeting this week with Pilkington, Safelite, and PPG with the powers that be in the Insurance Industry. What oh what could that be all about?? Rumor is that PPG (and I am sure the other manufacturers) wants to know if the insurance companies are indeed getting out of the glass business.
Consumer education is soon going to be larger than ever for your business. Start teaching your customers now why and how you are different than your competitors.
Enough blabing from me today everyone. Have a great day and stay busy, or better yet, go fishing and catch a few for me please
ccc Where did you hear that? I find that really interesting. I think its time for us glass shops to get together and start group buying. With PPG and Pilkington, now the only large suppliers her in MN, I think we will get pinched from both sides now.
Heard a Pilkington rep say in 2 or 3 years there will only be 2 glass suppliers in the U.S.. PPG and Pilkington. How arrogant is that. Support any true independent distributor if you can. If they can get rid of the small suppliers, they can get rid of you!
I guess I am missing the boat, but how does adopting policies that limit or restrict windshield repair save the insurance companies money??? Other than the obvious, that they are not paying for them at all.
I think it is rather amazing how we all keep paying and paying insurance companies and yet they are paying out less and less on the average policy. I need to find a new line of work where I can charge customers, then when they actually need work done I get to charge them even more.