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Is anyone charging insurance companies a "Surcharge"? charges? Some of the suppliers are charging a surcharge for delivering parts. Just curious how others are handling this additional fee!
our flat glass has just risen from around 6 pecent to 17 percent, they predict it not to go down until possibly the third quarter of this year. i am not holding my breath.
the autoglass side is charging around 3 bucks per piece, i can't see any way of not paying those charges. just sitting here taking it is a slow death but i don't see to many alternatives.
i have started adding those charges on the bills i am running through neon, but i haven't seen the results yet.
I have been charging a 5% fuel surcharge and a $40 mobile charge (nags code SMB 00500 for the mobile) and I have been getting paid on the mobile charge and sometimes on the fuel charge from safelite and also a few times from state farm, not consistant but I will continue to put both of these charges on my invoices and hope for the best
I have never requested approval for delivery or fuel surcharges. When State Farm asks me for a bottom line bid I add in those charges and they send me a check direct, they do not ask for a break down. With Safelite as I think I stated they will not pay the fuel charge but are paying the mobile charge. Maybe they think it is the lesser of the two evils? I dont know but it has been working for me.
Do you have to get approval from SGC for the mobile fee or do you just put it on your bill?
The only company I have ever charged a mobile fee to was Globe Amerada (years ago), which is now Gerber.
Thank you for your responses! Always learn something new in the industry!