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so, how come agr shops cant work togather instead cuting eachother's throat...afterall the ins companies do through the togahther on lowering the price that is, so we should work togather on holding to our price....
I agree, but there are just TOO many out there that are so worried about losing any jobs they would rather compete on price and quantity, and not want to or unable to fight for quality and getting paid proper or what they are truly worth! I do believe we will see, THIS YEAR, more shops taking the ins co's and tpa's to the FIGHT and WINNING! I believe this because if it doesn't happen, most all the independants shops will be CLOSED and GONE FOREVER! AND THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE!
The long range plan for large co.s like
Wall-mart is to kill the local baseness. As luck would have it, Safelite already filled bankruptcy so there not as smart, and may not make it to raise prices after we are gone.
I wondered if any one saw the special on TV last night about -------- ? It could just as well have been about the auto glass industry. One supplier tried to go up on prices due to price increases on his raw materials and had much of his product line dropped. Ended up selling his company. Time to stand up and fight back while you still can.
In other industries you will see co-ops, or bussineses will band togather to increase their buying power, its to bad suppliers will sell to anybody with a bussines liscence and a dollar, and a lot of price cutters will buy from their competition
let me ask this one question, has every one forgot that we are all in this together?. THEY NEED USE NOT WE NEED THEM! WE ARE THE THE PRO'S NOT SOME PENCIL PUSHER IN AN OFFICE FORCASTING THE P&L'S. ANY FOOL CAN SELL A LOW PRICE, BUT IT TAKES A REAL PRO TO PREFORM WITH PRECISION!! We need to stop fighting the FOOL'S & let them realize that it is us they need.