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From OIG,,, "The rising cost of energy continues to have a dramatic effect on the glass industry. All glass manufacturers have raised thier energy surcharge yet again for the 1st quarter of 2006 and many have also continued the diesel fuel surcharge. Effecitve JAn 1 2006 Omaha Ins. Glass will raise our energy surcharge to 17%. This will remain in effect until the end of the first quarter and reviewed at that time." OUCH, anyone know of a better place to get IG's and MIrror's, and flat glass in Northern MN?? it's time to raise prices and RIGHT NOW!!! iT'S ABOUT A 10 % INCREASE TO OUR COSTS,, OUCH!
Goin' through the database right now (I'd rather be partying and watching football), calculating the changes to retail prices.
Have the memos from the suppliers posted on the front reception counter, right where all the customers can see them.
Of course, we'll apologize, but they're seeing the increases everywhere, they tell us. They don't seem to be excluding insurance from the list as an item that is NOT going up, despite the press to the contrary that insurers are lowering rates. We see them too, but can't seem to find consumers that say they're rates are being lowered but for two people, whose decreases in insurance costs are a whopping $20 bucks, and are both driving 10 year old vehicles.
Anyway, to the point.....we're passing it along, and it will hit autoglass more too......simply because it's made from flat glass.
Now, let's see what's coming in NAGS........hmmmmmm...