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To Bob Bischof State Farm / HONESTY

Bob State Farm is concerned about the marketing practices of the glass industry .
I think if State Farm cut back on vacations that it sends it top producing agents on, maybe you could pay a fair price for a glass claim.
I am good friends with a couple of state farm agents both of them been on week long cruises with there wives best food best entertainment all free for simple doing there job. they both went to Las Vegas same year. Both live in homes that make mine seem like a match box.
Why can't State Farm stop busting the glass industry in the nose ?
Do you get to go on vacations also when you save the company money by short paying shops?
I could never do the job of an insurance company or agent.
I'm to honest and proud of it ! I would never sell something I couldn't service or stand behind .

Re: To Bob Bischof State Farm / HONESTY

And just why is the marketing practices of Glass companies any of his ****ed business?

If Mr Bischoff wants to be in the glass business then he needs to buy his own shop.

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