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Just wondering if anybody has heard anything more on state farm not covering chip repairs. I don't know about all the shops here, but i do repairs as well as replacements. I thought state farm was going to start a roll out plan with a few states thats they won't cover repairs any more. I just haven't heard anything more on this. Thought it was going to happen at the end of this year, so about now. I"m in michigan, just wondering if anybody has heard or knows any more on this, thanks.
rolls out Jan. 1 in midwest states. most agents are not pleased with the loss of an inexpensive customer pleaser. competitive agents hope to exploit the change
Rolled out in NW in July. Any policies that renewed after July 2005 if was effective the renewal date. All other policies will be effective in December 2005.
We see about a 50-50 split on this one. Some think any claims only raises their rates, so they want to pay for the chips (so sad more people are not informed as to what the ins. co. can and connot do)and the other half are very upset and looking for companies that will cover ship repairs.
Guess everyone will just have to wait and see what happens.
Why more consumers are not upset to have less and less coverage despite rising auto insurance premiums and profits is truly sad. Maybe someone should start telling them what their policies actually cover, and what the ins. co. actually has the right to pay and not pay?