Homepage for Mill Creek Landing Forum

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Please Note:  We will not allow any posts that are disrespectful, disruptive, profane, religious, political, or sexual in nature.

 We encourage all in our community to participate in this forum!!

MCL Homeowners' Association Forum
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Community News


- Leaves pickup for our neighborhood will be sometime from December 15 - 22, and for the last time January 9 – 13. Bagged leaves must be left curbside by 8 am on the FIRST day of the collection time frame, and can occur any time during those days. Leaves set out after the first day (December 15/January 9) may not be picked up, as collection for the neighborhood may have already occurred. CLEAR bags are required, and should be no larger than leaf sized bags (40 gallons or less). There is no limit to the number of bags you can set out. Bulky materials such as brush and tree limbs will not be accepted.

- Been to the new dog park? It is located at Waller Mill Park, and the fee for James City County residents is only $10 per year for the first dog, and $5 for each additional dog. The park is a large fenced in area with mulch and includes a drinking fountain, clean up bags, and separate places for large and small dogs. It is well worth the fee.

- Want to save some tax $$ and clean a closet as well? Consider donating clothing and household items to local charities, such as FISH. FISH accepts small appliances, clothing, toys and other household items Monday – Friday from 9 am to 4 pm to help local people in need. They are located at 312 Waller Mill Road, less than a mile past Kmart in the back of the Historic Triangle building (next to Waller Mill School). Don’t forget to get a receipt!