Countdown Episodes * 70s & 80s Australian Music Programs * Music Video * Molly Trading * Collecting * Archival Information * Record/CD releases and more .........
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COUNTDOWN IS BACK THIS JANUARY, 2019 ... ON rage !!!!! Stay tuned below with regular Countdown full archival information for each Countdown episode rage shall be airing every Saturday throughout January ...
SPLIT ENZ Late Last Night (Festival)
COUNTDOWN November 28, 1982 (355: Tim Finn) (ABC)
SPLIT ENZ I Hope I Never (Mushroom)
JEAN MICHEL JARRE Oxygene IV (Polydor)
ROCK ARENA July 10, 1984 (Ep 23: New Order, The Dugites) (ABC)
GARY NUMAN We Are Glass (Warner)
ELTON JOHN I'm Still Standing (Polydor)
COUNTDOWN August 10, 1986 (521: I'm Talking, Dragon, Elton John) (ABC)
BOYS DON'T CRY I Wanna Be A Cowboy (Legacy Records)
MIDNIGHT OIL Beds Are Burning (Sony)
ROCK ARENA September 18, 1984 (Ep 33: Hoodoo Gurus, Frankie Goes To Hollywood) (ABC)
HOODOO GURUS What's My Scene (BMG)
BOYS NEXT DOOR Shivers (Mushroom)
ROXY MUSIC In Every Dream Home A Heartache (Polydor)
NIRVANA Smells Like Teen Spirit (Universal (MCA))
SONIC YOUTH Teenage Riot (Universal (MCA))
PJ HARVEY Dress (Shock)
THE PIXIES Alec Eiffel (Mushroom)
THE CLOUDS Hieronymus (Polydor)
SMASHING PUMPKINS Rhinoceros (Virgin)
MY BLOODY VALENTINE Only Shallow (Creation / Shock)
MASSIVE ATTACK Unfinished Sympathy (Virgin)
PRIMAL SCREAM Higher Than The Sun (Shock)
BEASTS OF BOURBON Chase The Dragon (Polydor)
BABY ANIMALS Ain't Gonna Get ()
SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES Kiss Them For Me (Polydor)
RATCAT Don't Go Now (Warner)
Before you start coming up with so called theories maybe you should come to me directly for my reason for requesting ROCK ARENA.
FIRSTLY: I don't know if you have seen my request list or not? ... There were 11 Countdown's on there, a Meldrum Tapes with Molly Meldrum with Bananarama and Pseudo Echo which is linked to Countdown plus some insert tape interview segments for Countdown interviews with madonna from 1984 for COUNTDOWN. I could have gone further and gone up to 20 COuntdown episode requests but realistically, rage wouldn't play 11 for me so why would I do 20? Even though I wish I could get 20 episodes more ....
SO ... the smart thing to do to stay in the Early to mid 80s is to request some Rock Arena's as well * Get it?
I have never had a problem with Rock Arena (up to a point and I also recorded from Rock Arena in the 80s as well as Countdown, The Noise, SOUNDS, Between The Teeth.
* NOW *
The reason why I requested some Rock Arena's is because I know they like to venture out of Countdown every few years ... SO ... In requesting ROCK ARENA ... the years of ROCK ARENA are generally in the same era of 80s Countdown. 1982 - 1987...
IN THIS: This means that least Rock Arena was still part of THE GOLDEN era and I get to add to my collection, some things like the Japan/David Sylvian special and The Dugites special. Those artists and bands were all featured in my favourite Countdown era but were NOT on The Factory, so they are still at least in twine with the Countdown era I love of 1979 to 1986.May I add, Countdown and Rock Arena worked with each other and advertised each other and Rock Arena had some of the Countdown people working on the Rock Arena. Countdown even featured Andrew Peters on a Countdown episode as they did Suzanne Dowling on a few episodes as well as the Countdown Awards ceremonies.
The Factory wasn't an exclusive MUSIC PROGRAM. One had to sit through endless hours of Tanya Lacey being a fool and having segments on pieces that had nothing to do with music and it went for a ghastly 3 hours.
May I add, I prefer Rock Arena up to 1986 the latest and the same applies for COUNTDOWN. After 1986, the 80s went to h e l l in general.
I'm looking forward to the 1982 Countdown with Tim Finn. For me, the early 1980s Countdown was far better than the later 80s. Perhaps more was put into the music, rather than into the film clip which has certainly gotten out of hand today. So the 1986 episode with I'm Talking, Dragon and Elton John will still be good, don't get me wrong, but I just don't enjoy them quite as much. It's good to fill the gaps with unseen shows.
The 1984 Rock Arena with Dugites should be good. However, they aren't playing Juno & Me, which is from 1984. I have a feeling that Rage don't have it in their archives.
The singles in between Countdown and Rock Arena are ones which have aired plenty of times before, with the exception of Split Enz - Last Last Night. At least, I've never seen it.
rage did play a mini special on The Dugites on a VAULT in 2018 on a Monday night with some of their RARE videos and rage also played No Money recorded in the Countdown studio on one of their 1983 VAULT specials.
They never included Juno and Me, so maybe they don't have access to the video :-(
Lucky we at least have a copy from the 1984 Countdown episode as I LOVE that video :-)
I'm looking forward to the 1982 Countdown with Tim Finn. For me, the early 1980s Countdown was far better than the later 80s. Perhaps more was put into the music, rather than into the film clip which has certainly gotten out of hand today. So the 1986 episode with I'm Talking, Dragon and Elton John will still be good, don't get me wrong, but I just don't enjoy them quite as much. It's good to fill the gaps with unseen shows.
The 1984 Rock Arena with Dugites should be good. However, they aren't playing Juno & Me, which is from 1984. I have a feeling that Rage don't have it in their archives.
The singles in between Countdown and Rock Arena are ones which have aired plenty of times before, with the exception of Split Enz - Last Last Night. At least, I've never seen it.
1982 is a great year but I also enjoy the 1986 episodes, in fact I think I'm in a very small minority of Countdown fans who likes every year from 1974 - 1986. 1987 is not great obviously but I can sometimes still find stuff to like in the video clips
So, that's it for 2021 - six Countdowns in total. Not exactly the best year for Retro Month. I did enjoy watching all the early 80s Countdowns. I prefer them to later 80s. There were not many 'new' or rare videos in between Countdowns this year either. Hopefully we have some good VAULTs coming up this year. Oh well, two good things to look forward to next year. Firstly, we only have 10 more months to wait until January 2022. Secondly, January 2022 has another 5 weeks of Saturdays.
There were MEGA RARE videos on the 1982 Countdown last night with a different video for Kim Carnes 'Voyeur' which is not the video I know as the other got banned so that was something different as was Perfect Strangers and Big Red.
And on the 1984 Rock Arena with my beloved track and video from Peter Baumann is RAAAARE
A disappointing retro month, yeah. It felt weird being in February too. Usually I'm still very much in holiday mode during retro month. We'll have a big group over for an Australia Day BBQ and I'll have Countdowns on repeat on the TV, which always provides lots of conversation fodder.