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Re: Rage goes retro 2022

Hello Michael,

As you know, we speak on Instagram and though I haven't been on Instagram for over a month due to being sick of Social Media. We both prefer January being called Countdown month as that what is was for many years throughout the 90s etc.

As soon as they called it 'rage goes retro' the focus on Countdown got smaller and smaller.

I am not surprised rage didn't get back to you on Instagram, always best to email them. Though, I got no response this time around, seems they respond on Twitter at the moment.

See you all in February 2022 as well, now I have read messages that those on social media have posted here which I thank for. I now know what is going on in February. I can't wait till January is over as Countdown repeats are my reason for living in the twisted world.

Re: Rage goes retro 2022

Hi Jason, any word from the ABC or rage as to whether rage goes retro is in January or February next year? Really hope it’s back to normal!
Here’s a response I received from one of the rage programmers on twitter:

“rage is shutdown for a few weeks over January since it is the only time staff can take a break with their friends and family. New releases return on January 16. We managed to save retro month by getting it moved to february. i hope you understand it was out of our control. i hope you enjoy the lineup that i'm coming back from leave early to program in late january. I spent half my holidays in iso but i'll spend some time at the beach to be nice and fresh and ready to delve into the archives and dust off lots of Countdown for you“.

Re: Rage goes retro 2022

Hi Jason, I was concerned that you hadn't posted on Instagram for over a month and was hoping everything was okay. I knew you have breaks from social media every now and then. I did email rage as well as DM them. I'm still waiting for a post on Instagram to say its been moved to February!

Re: Rage goes retro 2022

Jason 'The Moderator'
At Gary,

I ALWAYS put my fabulous request list in on October, November and December, I would think now is far too late. I always email 'rage' my request list in October so they have months to locate the episodes I wish for :heart_eyes:

I am VERY pleased to read the part of the message from the person at rage saying:

"I spent half my holidays in iso but i'll spend some time at the beach to be nice and fresh and ready to delve into the archives and dust off lots of Countdown for you“.

Sounds like they are making up for only 6 Episodes last year which is GREAT! *** YAY ***

The person at rage sounds like they at least give a D A M N about 'rage goes retro' in February, so I am pleased they made the statement and are returning in late January to make sure lots of Countdown gets played in January. After reading their statement, I think we may receive a STACK of Countdown Episodes!!!!!! I really, realllllllly hope so!!!!!!!! :heart_eyes:

Thank You Matt for posting their message on my Forum, I gladly appreciate it! :sunglasses:

No worries Jason, happy to provide some info for everyone. Countdown month is my favorite time of year!

Re: Rage goes retro 2022

Hi Jason, I was concerned that you hadn't posted on Instagram for over a month and was hoping everything was okay. I knew you have breaks from social media every now and then. I did email rage as well as DM them. I'm still waiting for a post on Instagram to say its been moved to February!
Awww, thanks Michael.

I am glad we can help each other like poor you getting DVD's of Countdown last year from someone recording with bars. You will always have my back for doing copies for you in 4.3 full picture if you have pixelation problems like you did last year.

If it wasn't for some people on here posting what 'rage' are posting about 'rage goes retro' being moved to February on social media forms like Twitter and Facebook, I would have no idea what is going on. As even when I am on Instagram, rage don't really post updates on such important things like 'rage goes retro' being moved to February on there, they seem to stick to Twitter and Facebook as both Twitter and Facebook are more common for people fighting on them etc... Instagram is more for photography, art, fashion and music collections.

rage will only post what is on 'rage goes retro' on Instagram when it gets to February, so even if I was using Instagram the last few weeks, rage wouldn't have given me or us who want to know what is going on any information.

Re: Rage goes retro 2022

Jason \'The Moderator\'
At Gary,

I ALWAYS put my fabulous request list in on October, November and December, I would think now is far too late. I always email \'rage\' my request list in October so they have months to locate the episodes I wish for :heart_eyes:

I am VERY pleased to read the part of the message from the person at rage saying:

\"I spent half my holidays in iso but i\'ll spend some time at the beach to be nice and fresh and ready to delve into the archives and dust off lots of Countdown for you“.

Sounds like they are making up for only 6 Episodes last year which is GREAT! *** YAY ***

The person at rage sounds like they at least give a D A M N about \'rage goes retro\' in February, so I am pleased they made the statement and are returning in late January to make sure lots of Countdown gets played in January. After reading their statement, I think we may receive a STACK of Countdown Episodes!!!!!! I really, realllllllly hope so!!!!!!!! :heart_eyes:

Thank You Matt for posting their message on my Forum, I gladly appreciate it! :sunglasses:

No worries Jason, happy to provide some info for everyone. Countdown month is my favorite time of year!
Soooo GLAD you are keeping us on the loop who don't use Twitter and Facebook, I REALLY and TRULY appreciate it!

If I didn't keep this Forum going, I would simply have to wait till February and keep looking at the website or have to log in back to Facebook or Twitter.

Countdown month is certainly my favourite month of the year as well but has been sadly neglected lately. Let's HOPE for a really GREAT Countdown month in February with as MUCH Countdown as possible!

Re: Rage goes retro 2022

Praying for More Countdown and maybe The Factory to Compensate for Last Year’s Woeful Selections?