Countdown Episodes * 70s & 80s Australian Music Programs * Music Video * Molly Trading * Collecting * Archival Information * Record/CD releases and more .........
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COUNTDOWN IS BACK THIS JANUARY, 2019 ... ON rage !!!!! Stay tuned below with regular Countdown full archival information for each Countdown episode rage shall be airing every Saturday throughout January ...
Re: My 'rage goes retro' - January '2021' Suggestions I emailed to rage
Some great picks there.
Here's hoping they don't repeat any episodes already shown on Rage.
I had a flood in my shed a while back and lost a lot of my VHS master tapes. I'd digitized my Countdown collection but nothing much else.
If any one has Doug Parkinson or Beatles specials shown over the years I'd be interested in trading. The Parkinson material was only shown several years ago on an old black and white show I believe.
If this is against the rules please delete the post but I've seen similar posts from time to time.
Let's hope we get a summer chockers with Countdown.