Countdown Episodes * 70s & 80s Australian Music Programs * Music Video * Molly Trading * Collecting * Archival Information * Record/CD releases and more .........
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COUNTDOWN IS BACK THIS JANUARY, 2019 ... ON rage !!!!! Stay tuned below with regular Countdown full archival information for each Countdown episode rage shall be airing every Saturday throughout January ...
I got an email on Tuesday from the producer of ABC Radio National’s Life Matters program. They would like to interview me on 'NATIONAL' ABC Radio this Friday morning about Countdown and! As they obviously liked my comment made on the 80 days that changed our lives website in reference to COUNTDOWN a few weeks ago.
I talked to Jane Shields who is producer and organizer on this show on the phone in the last half hour and she is LOVELY. I will be on ABC Radio NATIONALLY all around Australia between 9-10 am tomorrow morning!
From Jane: Thanks and look forward to getting you on the program tomorrow … and for your fellow Countdowners they can ring the talkback on 1300 22 55 76 tomorrow from 9:05am .. CALL IN PEOPLE and stress that Countdown needs to be replayed on ABC 2 out of rage!!!