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COUNTDOWN IS BACK THIS JANUARY, 2019 ... ON rage !!!!! Stay tuned below with regular Countdown full archival information for each Countdown episode rage shall be airing every Saturday throughout January ...
It seems they've brought Dave's guest programming a week earlier? Unless I've got my wires crossed and it was always scheduled for this weekend.
> Following, rage will be playing a selection of
> artists that influenced or were influenced by the
> work of Dave Stewart including Kings of Leon, The
> Rolling Stones, Joss Stone, Stevie Wonder and many
> more!
Any excuse to pull out Kings of Leon
I really hope they air as much as they can of Dave's solo work (e.g. Lily Was Here, Jack Talking, other Spiritual Cowboys clips, the Vegas clips with Terry Hall) as they can, and also a Shakespears Sister/Alisha's Attic special would be nice too (he played a role in producing these acts, although he was initially credited as Manu Guiot on Shakespears Sister).
OMG they're airing the video for Eurythmics' 'The Walk'! I hope it's the actual concept video, and not some live performance. If it's the actual video, that is seriously rare! I've only got a grainy VHS copy with low audio.
DAVE STEWART One Way Ticket To The Moon (Surfdog)
DAVE STEWART The Gypsy Girl and Me (Surfdog)
DAVE STEWART AND BARBARA GASKIN The Locomotion (Independent)
DAVE STEWART Jealousy (Roadshow)
DAVE STEWART What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted (Roadshow)
EURYTHMICS Sweet Dreams (Universal (MCA))
EURYTHMICS There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart) (BMG)
The TOURISTS, I Only Want To Be With You (Sony)
EURYTHMICS I Saved The World Today (BMG)
EURYTHMICS The King And The Queen Of America (RCA)
EURYTHMICS Sex Crime (Virgin)
EURYTHMICS You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart (RCA)
EURYTHMICS Beethoven (I Love To Listen To) (BMG)
EURYTHMICS Missionary Man (RCA)
EURYTHMICS Miracle Of Love (RCA)
EURYTHMICS When Tomorrow Comes (RCA)
EURYTHMICS and ARETHA FRANKLIN Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves (RCA)
EURYTHMICS Would I Lie To You? (BMG)
EURYTHMICS Here Comes The Rain Again (BMG)
EURYTHMICS Right By Your Side (RCA)
EURYTHMICS Who's That Girl (BMG)
EURYTHMICS Never Gonna Cry Again (SBME)
The Dave Stewart that teamed up with Barbara Gaskin is not the Dave Stewart from Eurythmics. Oops Rage!!
Yes, very embarrassing for the rage team.
I hope 'David A. Stewart' saw the playlist and said 'WTF'? I can't believe it and they can't spell 'Eurythmics' either. The 'more about this guest/special' has it as 'Eurhythmics'. Can't be a one off spelling error as it is incorrect 3 times!
I also FREAKED over The Walk as well. I have this feeling it will be a LIVE video BUT hoping it's an actual video clip. If they do play that it is soooo RARE!
WHen I saw it on the list I was very intrigued INDEED!
This is a different Dave Stewart to Eurythmics Dave Stewart but I for one am NOT complaining as they are RARE clips!!! :-)
I WISH they played Vegas as well :-( What is will the Eurythmics videos being ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!
The Dave Stewart that teamed up with Barbara Gaskin is not the Dave Stewart from Eurythmics. Oops Rage!!
Yes, very embarrassing for the rage team.
I hope 'David A. Stewart' saw the playlist and said 'WTF'? I can't believe it and they can't spell 'Eurythmics' either. The 'more about this guest/special' has it as 'Eurhythmics'. Can't be a one off spelling error as it is incorrect 3 times!
I agree, rage are getting SO embarrassing lately. They know NOTHING! They can't even spell Eurythmics properly!!!
I also FREAKED over The Walk as well. I have this feeling it will be a LIVE video BUT hoping it's an actual video clip. If they do play that it is soooo RARE!
I reckon it will be the video. I asked a friend who is a major Eurythmics fan, and he said there is no live performance of 'The Walk' that was ever released... so it has to be the concept video! Maybe Dave gave them a copy himself? I hope it's not just a low quality youtube rip they're airing!
Jason 'The Moderator'
I WISH they played Vegas as well :-(
I know... Their album was definitely released in Australia, as I had a copy.
Jason 'The Moderator'
What is will the Eurythmics videos being ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!
I know! Can't the Rage staff look up wikipedia even, for the Eurythmics discography page, which should have them in chronological order of release (I haven't looked lately though). I'm sure they must now all be gen Y, and don't have any direct memories of the order of Eurythmics releases to go by. But seriously, it's NOT THAT HARD to find to have even ordered them by album, if not their actual single release dates
Here I was waiting ALL night The Walk and Never Gonna Cry Again and um they just skipped them!!!!! :-( W T F!!!!!!!!!! rage REALLY are d i c k h e a d s these days, OMFG!!!
The only opportunity to get the video clip for The Walk and um, they ended the Eurythmics special on Who's That Girl!!! :-(
Bloody hell, I am pi$$ed. STUPID fu¢king rage these days!
My recording stopped at about 6:15am (5:15am non-daylight savings time), and I noticed it cuts out at 'Who's That Girl'. But seeing that they didn't have the actual video for 'The Walk', it's not quite as bad... but still, it would have been nice to get the Old Grey Whistle Test performance of 'The Walk'. I'm going to ask a friend who recorded it if he caught that... If not, I'll have to ask one of you guys.
I have got a VHS transfer of the actual video for 'The Walk', although the sound is very low and hissy. If I get hold of the right edit version of The Walk that matches the video on mp3, I'll try and re-synch it and possibly upload it.
Also, is it just me, or have other people noticed that all of the 'new' old clips (that Rage haven't aired in aeons) seem to have a slightly duller and less-sharp picture, and slightly larger font on the artist/title superscript since about Feb this year? Looking at some of the Eurythmics clips they haven't aired since at least 1997, some of them look like I'm watching a VHS tape instead of a digital broadcast.
Also, when I was scanning through the Eurythmics clips, it seems that the yellow 'PG' logo was present throughout the entire 'I Need a Man' and 'Shame' videos. What a SHAME indeed!
It's also stupid and lazy how they haven't changed the erroneous 'THE EURYTHMICS' credit on the clips they already had the artist/title superscripts on, yet they've corrected it to just 'EURYTHMICS' on the website playlists.
Plus they aired one of the other Dave Stewart's clips just before it panned back to David A. Stewart on the Rage couch introducing 'Sweet Dreams'. How DUMB can they be, seriously?! What a joke!
Actually I just realised I've got that live performance of The Walk, but am yet to check the quality/whether it will be as 'good' as aired on Rage.
Also, it's disappointing to see they've obviously discarded a few videos by The Tourists. On the Eurythmics special that aired in 1991, Rage played the videos for 'So Good To Be Back Home Again' and 'Don't Say I Told You So' by The Tourists. Clearly they've 'fallen down the back of the couch'.
I haven't watched it properly myself yet, but a friend said the watermark was off from 'Beethoven' to 'Who's That Girl'! It was also off during 'I Need a Man' and 'Shame', but the PG logo was everpresent then instead. How dumb/unprofessional are the ABC/Mediahub?
I haven't watched it properly myself yet, but a friend said the watermark was off from 'Beethoven' to 'Who's That Girl'! It was also off during 'I Need a Man' and 'Shame', but the PG logo was everpresent then instead. How dumb/unprofessional are the ABC/Mediahub?
YES!... The logo was completely OFF and it was so nice. I also noticed the font was so HUGE which was terrible and the picture was very grainy for most Eurythmics videos! :-(
I was SO annoyed as the logo left just before Shame came on BUT the PG stayed on through the HOLE of Shame and Shame is one of my big favourites :-( I have the Savage VHS compilation so it's all cool. rage are SUCH idiots! I left my dvd recorder going in case they went back to Eurythmics and it seems they did but I didn't have enough room :-( Thank goodness I didn't miss the video for The Walk seeing they didn't have it! But ti would have been nice to see the Whistle Test performance :-(
What was with no more ABC1 logo? I heard this happened the other week as well. Is THIS the BIG announcement?! Or is it just a mistake they tend to do on Sunday mornings?
Are you 101% sure that rage didn't play the actual video for The Walk at the end?
I let the dvd recorder record with about 45 minutes left on it after Who's That Girl when rage didn't play it. Who has at least the Whistle Test copy rage did play today???????
Phew! I thought I missed the video for 'The Walk' as well. I missed The Tourists 'Deadly Kiss' video. Was that played and was the video any good? I checked on Wikipedia and that song is not a single, but was a track on The Tourists debut album released in '79.
I also noticed too that the text on the screen was a lot bigger on 'Jack Talking' for example. I thought it was my eyes, but straight away I thought the text looks bigger and almost takes up the screen from left to right. Re the quality of their clips shown on rage, all I can say is 'thank god for the 2 video DVDs'!
I missed The Tourists 'Deadly Kiss' video. Was that played and was the video any good? I checked on Wikipedia and that song is not a single, but was a track on The Tourists debut album released in '79.
I also noticed too that the text on the screen was a lot bigger on 'Jack Talking' for example. I thought it was my eyes, but straight away I thought the text looks bigger and almost takes up the screen from left to right. Re the quality of their clips shown on rage, all I can say is 'thank god for the 2 video DVDs'!
The larger font/duller colours/less sharp picture has been on the 'new' clips (old clips Rage haven't aired since at least 1997) since at least the Mardi Gras special weekend. At first I wondered if it was my eyes too, but something has definitely changed in the way Rage prepares these older clips for airing. I haven't watched/paid attention to the new releases episodes lately, so haven't spotted if they're also doing it to brand spanking new videos.
As for the Eurythmics videos... I have an inkling Rage may have aired some of them directly from the Eurythmics DVDs. There was talk a while back that they may be able to play clips directly from DVD, instead of digital Betacam, when they get some 'new' equipment. 'There Must Be an Angel (Playing With My Heart', for example, has one of those montages that appear before the start of most clips on the 'Greatest Hits' DVD that I'm sure weren't part of the original videos. I'd have to check the montage again, but I think it contains a few stills from later-released videos such as 'Missionary Man'! I noticed the same thing when they aired TMBAA(PWMH) on the NYE retro party mix episode. 'Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)' (they corrected the title on the clip itself, but not on the playlist, oddly) also starts near the end of the 'sex sex sex crime cr-cr-cr crime' intro, as it does on the Greatest Hits DVD.
Someone posted this on the Rage message board, under the watermark section. It's a bit too technical for me to understand, but I think it's referring to this 'new' method of airing clips:
Author MrBoring ®
Date/Time 09 Mar 2012 6:11:23pm
I wouldn't get too excited, masl3zd.
They upgraded the width, but they downgraded the chroma resolution - both spatially and temporally. This new equipment apparently doesn't know the correct way to apply 4:2:0 (YV12) subsampling to interlaced video. The thought of them using vertical chroma subsampling prior to transmission is worrying in itself.
I want the legacy 18 pixels of black back! Some videos are almost painful to watch with all those ghosting colour artifacts. Oh well, at least some of the clips still go through the old equipment.
Some of the video were STRAIGHT off the Eurythmics video compilation and 'There Must BE An Angel' was INDEED one of them with the intro, I was wondering why rage didn't edit those bits out?! I know why, because they have NO idea it doesn't belong to the actual video!!!
I noticed on Julia how absolutely grainy the picture was!!! Geez, rage is getting worse and worse with each moment!!!
Some of the video were STRAIGHT off the Eurythmics video compilation and 'There Must BE An Angel' was INDEED one of them with the intro, I was wondering why rage didn't edit those bits out?! I know why, because they have NO idea it doesn't belong to the actual video!!!
What is sad is that Rage would have once had all of those videos, in their usual broadcast format. They aired a Eurythmics special in 1991, and while I didn't watch/record this at the time (I would have if I'd known it was on), they must have played all of the Eurythmics videos, as I've got copies of the clips by The Tourists they aired, and the '91 video for 'Love Is a Stranger' taken from this special.
That means that whoever cleaned out the rage library in the 90's threw out most of the videos by Eurythmics! They must have REALLY hated anything that wasn't in heavy rotation on Triple J.