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COUNTDOWN IS BACK THIS JANUARY, 2019 ... ON rage !!!!! Stay tuned below with regular Countdown full archival information for each Countdown episode rage shall be airing every Saturday throughout January ...
Just want to say RIP to Mr Michael Hutchence who died today 14 years ago. The world will never see another Michael, he was talented, beautiful and I miss him so :-(
Michael was the image and presence of INXS. A big part of my high school years, 1982-87, which was also their most productive time, died 14 years ago. I sat up for the entire Rage INXS special that they played shortly after.
They should have broken up the band after that as it has tarnished INXS to have continued the way they have with a bunch of singers that could never emulate Michael.
Models were my favourite band but closely followed by INXS and Icehouse.
Michael was a great talent for sure - the likes of which we rarely see.
A great pity INXS decided to continue after his me, that aren't INXS but a bunch of guys jamming with ever-changing singers - who aren't nearly as good as Michael.
INXS when they started out were fantastic but after 1985 they lost me - I seem to prefer groups in their earlier eras such as Pseudo Echo, Bananarama and even Madonna. They seemed more natural and less forced when they started out.
Anyway Michael will never be forgotten by his many fans.
Re: R.I.P Michael Hutchence, George Harrison & Freddie Mercury
INXS have a new 'best of' CD. As usual, this best of ignores their music from 1980 and 1981. That time was such an important part of their career, but doesn't sell. To me, it was when they were such a part of the local scene and Countdown. The CD also has promo videos. But I must say that 'Shabooh, Shoobah' is my fave album and 'To Look At You' fave single. Love that dark, vouyeristic sound and the video is one of their best.
Great forum I just find, you're a INXS/Hutch fan? Maybe we can trade some material.
In fact, I'm looking for the video from Freedom Soundtrack Speed Kills, it was broadcasted sometimes on Rage, looking for it in decent quality; also looking for early INXS gigs.