Hi I am looking for distributor drive gears my housing is ok but the gears do not look like they belong. the distributor gear has been ground to fit and the generator gear is not centered in the housing.Generator number MC 4004 engine date 11/1922. I am thinking long term that I will look to adapt a newer distributor.
Where Are You From? sadler tx
Do You own a car built by Durant? yes 1922 star touring L3820
I did find one had to drive to montana to get complete spare frame with motor trans rear end. i might have some other gears. how many teeth on the gears set you are looking for? I know when I was looking there was some different gears on other years I can look and see what I have.
Where Are You From? trexas
Do You own a car built by Durant? yes 1922 star touring and two parts cars