Jeremy, sorry I did not get back to you. Medical problems got in the way. I know of a parts car in Alberta that might have the wheels. I will get back to you by phone.
Regards, Gary
Nope. We've had it since the early 70's and it came from Kern County where we have some land. Funny story actually. My dad knew about it sitting in a barn and there were rumors that Merle Haggard was buying up land in the area. My dad bought the car from the original owner "just in case". The land never sold and the barn fell down years ago. But we still have the car!
i hope your wheel hunt is sucessful,if not theres a 31 dodge wheel that is 19 inch with the same lug bolt pattern and the same size opening for the hubcap,the only difference id the dodge wheels have adjustable spokes while the devaux had riveted spokes,if someone has a hollander interchange manual maybe they could look it up for you , hope this helps,i believe i have one of the dodge wheels if you want to compare it dave
Jeremy: I just got a E-mail today from the man in the Edmonton area. He is using the one parted car for good parts needed for the other 2. He has only one wheel to spare. He tossed all the bad shocks. Will be still looking. Gary
I just was offered a DeVaux parts car that was on the Registry. The body wood is all gone but I get 4 good door handles, taillight assembly and the hood support. I can only get one 19" wheel. All the rest have been changed. Can someone give me the measurements (bead to bead) for the 19". Bob: did you want a support for a front fender? All fenders have welds on them. Daryl J. has taken the hulk home and I was thinking that a fender for the Continentals he has might be the same. Norm: When he gets the years of mud off the engine, I can get a engine number for you. On the Registry we do have the Hayes body number.
Hi Gary .. we do ? vin is ?? Looking at the Conny / Deveux aftermarket it appears fenders are 675 / 680 only except for rears which are 675 or 680, Ace has its, Beacon has its, and Flyer has its. Same with lights except some 675 have their own.
Haven't heard from Daryl J for a long time. Still waiting for info on his other than Ace's cars he provided for the Registry.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan