What's the chance that one of you fine folks have an extra key for the early Durant cars? I have one good original Connecticut T&E logo key, but having only one of anything makes me nervous. I could probably make a functional key from scratch, but would prefer an original. Scouring eBay has proven fruitless, as have asking around the websites I know of specializing in such things. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Where Are You From? Marysville, Kans
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant A-22 Touring
Hi Todd.
Here is a source that has locks and keys for a lot of old cars and may be able to help with your key:
Box 2245, Lynnwood, WA 98036;
email: modeltbug@aol.com
If you do look into having copies made of the key count me in for two of them.
I am sure that there are more A-22 owners out there that would like to have a spare.
Where Are You From? Guelph
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1922 Durant A-22
I have found through the help of a friendly locksmith and his old-key friends, I have found a key blank with the correct profile to make some A-22 keys. This 1318R key can be cut by my local guy and he can acquire the keys through his source. They would work out to be probably about $25 apiece all in. Hard for me to tell if that is a good deal or a bad deal since I pretty much can't get them anywhere else.
What be your thoughts Will?
Anyone else interested? I think he would just assume get all he was going to get and to them all at once. It'd be nice if the head of the key matched better, but....
Where Are You From? Marysville, Kans
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant A-22 Touring
Cost is relative. Like you I am looking for original keys or copies of originals
ie in both looks and operation. My car has a modified switch plate that has a modern lock cyl. and toggle switchs. It looks very nice and works well. I would like down the road to restore an original switch and use original type keys.
If you have an original switch and key but need a spare this might be an option for some one.
Where Are You From? Guelph
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1922 Durant A-22
Thanks to my shrewd negotiating skills, I can get 3 at $20 apiece. I will probably just order one to 'try it out', but if anyone else is interested in one or two, I would be happy to mail it for free to save myself a few dollars. Please email or post to let me know if you are interested before next Monday or so. Thanks.
Where Are You From? Marysville, Kans
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant A-22 Touring
I would be interested in one of those keys to try in my car. We have had this since new ( great grandfather bought) two more payments and we will own it.lol Keys have been missing for years, I did not even know what it looked like. I really appreciate the picture so I know what to look for.
If keys are still available let me know where to send payment.
I spent yesterday afternoon making up a couple knock offs of Todds original key...Wasn't all that difficult, was actually kinda fun...The old homemade key that I had didn't fit well in my ignition and would fall out on the floorboards while driving....Anyway, to make a pattern I Download Todds top image (right click the image and "hit the save as") then I printed the image and resized the image on a heavy cardstock paper to the size that the blade/shank portion would be the same size as the slot in my switch...In my case the resize was 84% reduction...Todd emailed me some critical measurements of his original key to conferm that I was on track with the pattern....So, I made the keys up out of 14 gauge steel (.073) 73 thousands, I found It worked better for me to lay out the pattern on the plate with two keys facing each other (with space between for parting purposes) then used my Bridgeport mill with a couple different end mills to do the notching, then on the contour work I used a verticle belt sander with table....Not that difficult, you can probably use whatever you have...Oh, for the A-22 the blade/shank needs to be 11/32"wide and 15/32" long not counting the hook, you may need to sand the backside of blade slightly to get a perfict fit...Oh, and with a 5/16" gasket punch and a small sharp chizzle you can BS that Connecticut T&E logo on the head.
(Forgot one step, I lightly buffed the key edges with a wire buffing wheel after the key was cut.)
Hope to see everyone in the Black Hills in a few days!