Re: A lot of engine parts for Durant cars 28 -31 ish. (ebay posting)
Hi Gerald
You do know anything with Durant, Rugby or Locomobile mentioned on items will appear in DMAC under the eBay selection on our site. Save you posting those items on forum. That bunch of rusty 1930 407 parts has been there for months now.
I will give you a clue however. Don't use Ebay,ca or as not all the items will be shown on the other two for our cars. Wondered one day why there was 200 (as example only) items here under but I was only getting 150 under See the item listed here but not the other. Ebay all but forces us to use .ca for Canadian customers and sellers, but sign in as the .com instead, regardless. Only use I can see for .ca is to convert US $ to Can $ approx, and it never is the same plus paypal taking its 3 % for non resident of US when you do pay.
Interesting to note those rusty parts in Quebec mention see the American Vintage Parts store. I just bought a 1930 - 31 outside door handle from Flowery Branch, Georgia, spoiledkidzs3 and the seller shown on paypal receipt is American Vintage Parts and a gmail addy ??? Not same parts store nor addy as spoiledkizs3 ??
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Re: A lot of engine parts for Durant cars 28 -31 ish. (ebay posting)
Nothing to be sorry about. Its a learning curve for all of us. Great to have info we don't see or know about to help one another. Just thought it would help you cut down on postings re ebay items.
Craigs list / Kijiji are limited in what we see. Unlike that you see all items world wide, the other two limit us to cities. How would I know BC had an item if I lived elsewhere in Canada unless you go city by city all day long. Same with US. At least now they have Ont (as well as city's here) to cut part of it out. Used Ottawa is the same, Gatineau Ottawa only. Too bad they all aren't coast to coast instead. And Kijiji if it finds out you posted in other city's for same item, will delete your ad's. Have to be creative.
Doubt any of us mind you posting items you find outside of ebay.
More on the ebay thing. In the past if I was using and won the item then go to pay for it, it threw me right out of like I was never there. Forced me to sign back inc password, under to make the payment through paypal. Ebay claimed it shouldn't work that way. Well it did every time for years. Big pain. Now it has been fixed with all the updates to ebay payments it flows right through to paypal under Even if some of the new screens don't work as they should, and they don't.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan