Perhaps someone else might benefit from this mail. I asked what years and commented lads looking for parts 1922 to 1934 but got no reply ?
i was wondering if you know of anyone in the Ottawa area that might be interested in some Durant/Star parts i have. i have a frame & other pieces plus a couple of engines & rearend.
I got them in a bulk buy of car parts i bought & are of no use to me, so instead of scrapping them i would like to see them go to someone who could use them.
Thanks for any info
M Ouderkirk
2598 Southvale Cres
Ottawa ON K1B5B5
(613) 739-8693
That posting was 2012 and the owner of the parts email addy and address is shown. I posted it for anyone interested in the parts from his ad. I never heard anything more about it.
Still awaiting the info to my mail of Jan 14 to you about your M2 to add to the Registry.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Dominion built 614 Sedan