I thought I had everything all figured out. The vibration damper was missing on the engine when I purchased my Durant D60.
No problem, Frank has a spare 14L engine for me, however, the vibration damper was badly corroded and broken up.
No problem, Frank has another spare 14L engine for an earlier Durant, however, it has a smaller front crankshaft journal than the later Durant 14L's.
No problem, I have a spare 15U that has a good looking vibration damper on it. That was two months ago.
Today, I removed the one on the 15U and found that it was too big for the Durant 14L's.
No problem, I have a very large network of Durant affectionadoes and there must be someone, somewhere, somehow, that has a spare 14L vibration damper to fit a crankshaft journal of 1.435" and has a seal shoulder of 2.087".
Am I right????
Where Are You From? Texarkana, Tex
Do You own a car built by Durant? And Now, A 1929 Durant D60
i have a 1929 durant model 60 coupe with a disassembled engine in parts in the trunk....if you want me to look at it , send specifics of what you need since it is only for parts for my sedan.....regards, gary k
Where Are You From? Penna
Do You own a car built by Durant? 3....2 1929 durant model 60's and a 1925 star F roadster
Har! Har! Do I look like I get in a rush???? Gettin in a rush will jus git ya into trouble. My rushin days are long gone an good ridance! Arrrr, I think it's about nap time,,,,,,,,,,,