Durant Motors Internet Forum

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Don Shilling Estate.

My name is Darren Edwards and I am part of Nutt Auction Company in Texarkana, TX. Nutt Auction Company is responsible for liquidating the estate of Mr. Don Shilling. All items in the no reserve online auction will be sold to the highest bidder. Due to the quantity of the items Mr. Shilling had, we are having two separate auctions. The first auction is currently online with the second auction coming soon. The second auction (phase 2) will contain the majority of the Star and Durant items. Bidders are encouraged and invited to preview and inspect items before bidding. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Darren Edwards 903-748-6784 gottamopar@hotmail.com Nuttauction.com https://www.nuttauction.com/


Where Are You From? Texarkana, Texas

Do You own a car built by Durant? No


The Durant Motors Automobile Club