Hi folk:
I got my New Durant Partner in the mail yesterday. It was nicely enclosed in an envelope, so arrived in my mail box in good shape.
I read most of it yesterday and the balance today. The articles were great, and I especially enjoyed the article by Tim Jordan about the Reg Bent sale. So sorry to lose Reg as an Ontarion, but still glad to be able to talk to him by phone call to Nova Scotia. We really have Reg to appreciate as being the first person to open his property for a Durant meet in July 1996. We had 22 yearly weeekends of Durant meets, the latter 10 or so at the Pringlemeir's. Eddie has now passed away, and the last Durant meet only had 3 other people show up. We are hoping that some other Durant person will take on the responsibility of having at least a Durant weekend once a year.
Where Are You From? Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Frontenac built by Dominion Motors Ltd., Leaside, Ontario, Canada