"Dubuque, Iowa. The Lange & Tscharner Motor Car Co., sales and service for Durant, Auburn and Cord motor cars, has moved into a new home at 850 Iowa St."
This from a June 7, 1930 news article.
Google street view shows a parking garage on one side of the street and a newer office building on the other side of the street in the 800 block of Iowa Street now.
Anyone have an old picture of the building that was there in the 1930's? Maybe the local historical museum?
Where Are You From? Ellensburg, WA and Sahuarita, AZ
Just found a new one while talking in Facebook in the Old Ottawa And Bytown Pic's site
Horner Motors on 430 Gladstone Ave in Ottawa. Present owner has the sign with Star crest in upper left, Road King crest lower left. Durant crest upper right. Can't get him to show the full sign.
He says .. The floor is reinforced concrete and there was a ramp that allowed the cars in the building...Technically one could open a car dealership there today.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan made by Dominion Motors
A continuing project this upcoming year will be to create a list of Durant/Star/Flint dealerships for the sake of history and later publication in the virtual museum. I thank everyone over the past years for submitting various information on the dealerships and keep them coming as you come across them stamped on the back of brochures, advertisements etc. that you buy or come across. Also photographs if you find them of the dealership. I'll add them to the list. Thanks everyone!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door