They are advertised on ebay through Woody's custom shop as a "cloaking device" to conceal a 6V Optima battery. They list it for a 6V Porsche 356 but it looks like the same moulding as the one I have(which I bought years ago). I imagine there is only one type made because I can't think there would be a lot of demand for these. The battery fits diagonally across the box and I had to trim some of the lug tabs off the Optima to get it to fit properly, and some of the bottom ribbing inside the box to get the top to shut flush. Price was stupid (for what it is), at $89.00.
Ross, I will look into getting one of those "Porsche" battery boxes. I suspect the "porsche" tag has a lot to do with the price. I had a BMW 318 I beater that I drove to work daily that needed an exhaust system and was quoted $900.00 to replace it. I went to Autozone and bought the entire system for $250.00 and installed it in 30 minutes. I am thinking of getting a 6 volt core from a friend on mine and gutting it. But will keep the fake box in mind. Thanks for your response, Curt