This morning I called the man in Newburg Oregon that is preparing the auction of Mike and Rosie Larsen estate. He has many things to do to get the cars (and tons of parts) ready for auction. Hi is going to use e-bay as he does now for the cars. Mike did gift a few cars. The DeVaux and the Durant will be auctioned with the other cars.
He said he will be in contact with me as things get closer to being ready.
His web site is
Where Are You From? Washington State
Do You own a car built by Durant? Just good memories
Hi Gary-I was just up at Mike and Rosalie's place yesterday picking up a W4 & 14L engine that was being stored up there. David Charvet who is handling the sale sold a car for me awhile back and I called him to let him know that when the time comes we can help get the word out to the Durant Club. The cars will show up on e-bay but the parts are another matter. Phil