Durant Motors Internet Forum

Our Purpose

  Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.

This forum is provided by the Durant Motors Automobile Club located at durantmotors.org

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I would like to thank all that attended the tech, pacific coast meeting and the Wine and Whine zoom sessions. For people who aren't familiar with Zoom, it is a platform for people to have a meetings via the web. You will get a e-mail with a active link that 5 min before meeting you click on and attend. It will prompted 2 questions. They are the use of audio and video. Select yes and attend. Remember you need a camera and a source of audio to attend. This is a way our group can see people real time and catch up the latest from your fellow durantonians. Thanks all that attended the Zoom sessions and look forward to see you in the future. We are going to try to have a Zoom session on the 1st saturday of every month.

Where Are You From? calif

Do You own a car built by Durant? durant ,flint,locomobile


The Durant Motors Automobile Club