Interesting grin .. 4374B and model 437. Head casting date 11-13-29 on the 22A. That puts it early 1930 614 most likely with Nov casting. Model 437 is first 3 digits of your "vin" so someone messing about.
Now how about this in Terry's Registry 1930 614 Coupe L-4374 22A-5941 Go you one better in Steve's Registry 1930 614 Coupe Black L-4374 22A-5941 head casting 11-13-29 owned by Carl Ryden in Stephenville Texas.
Since there are no two vins the same regardless of alpha at beginning I'd say we have a match to Gary's coupe perhaps. Check the boss on passenger side of the block at back of exhaust manifold for the engine serial to see if 5941 stamped there to confirm same car. As Bob also said a vin plate on the toe board passenger side should have L 4374 from Lansing plant.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan made by Dominion Motors