Durant Motors Internet Forum

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  Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.

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Dontate today to the Durant Motors Automobile Museum Foundation!

Hello Durantonians!
Well for those in the U.S. it's getting closer to the end of the year and the close of our tax year. Those of you looking for last minute non-profit tax donations have to look no further than donating to our own Durant Motors Automobile Museum Foundation! (www.durantfoundation.org) A 501 (C)(3) non profit organization as recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

Donations can be made directly to: Durant Motors Automobile Museum Foundation Inc
1043 73rd Street SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49508-7477

Or via PayPal site via the web site: www.durantfoundation.org or directly with PayPal using email address Durantmuseum@gmail.com

Those outside the U.S. can donate via the PayPal sites and your own countries currency will be exchanged for U.S. through PayPal. We need your help too!

It's time to remember how much enjoyment our cars have brought to us and the friends and acquaintances we have made over the years owning these cars and getting together with each others enjoying our cars. You can't put a price on these memories and experiences. I challenge every member of the DMAC to donate something for this important project that will recognize William C. (Billy) Durant and the cars of Durant Motors Inc. I have already made my donations and will continue to do so!

No where in the world is a museum that honors such an important man in automobile history and no where are Durant Motors automobiles a focus collection. Let's change that for future generations and have our own museum!

Mike Linthicum

Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan

Re: Dontate today to the Durant Motors Automobile Museum Foundation!

Well you can't Dontate, but you can DONATE! Please do, any amount will be put towards the museum effort!:grinning:

Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan


The Durant Motors Automobile Club