Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
Thanks Mike for putting this together. I’ll be there! I’ll have to gather some of Grandfathers civil war details for this trip. Would enjoy learning a little more of his war service perhaps.
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
Hotel Registration Information:
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
1871 Gettysburg Village Drive
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 17325
Phone 717-420-2686
Room Rate is $109.00 per night plus tax.
We have 15 rooms blocked until 04/18/2019 at which time they will be released and you'll have to pay the regular price, so make those reservations and you can always cancel them. We will have a hospitality room there available beginning Thursday night 05/02/2019. I've been assured there is plenty of parking for trucks & car trailers.
When you call you can use group code DMC or Durant Motors Automobile Club East Coast Chapter.
See you all there!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
I know it's cold up there in the North country, but spring is right around the corner. Don't forget to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible. You can always cancel them if your find you can't attend. I've confirmed our tour of the Harley Davidson assembly plant in York for Friday May 03, 2019 so it looks like we are going to have a great time. Come join us for great touring among the historic battlefield roads of one of the most famous battle sites of the War Between the States! A couple of years ago the ECC toured the Corvette assembly line in Bowling Green, Kentucky and everyone had a great time, this is bound to be a good one too!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
That's fantastic Frank and by the way you left out something in your greeting. You said Hi All, don't you know it should be "Hi Ya All" just a little Southern touch you know. I got an email that another DeVaux is coming too. Now if I can get some Durant owners to come with their cars! My reservations have been made and I will be there on Thursday.
See Ya all then!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
I've locked in our Harley Davidson Tour in York, Pennsylvania for Friday the 3rd at 1:15 P.M. I want to remind everyone to bring some closed toe shoes. No sandles or flip flops etc as it is an industrial working site and they will not let you in if you don't have appropriate shoes. Also I'm working on a special treat for everyone on Friday also but mum is the word at this time. Now if we just can have good weather for Friday and Saturday. I hope everyone has made their reservations at the hotel by now as we've pasted the cut off date. If you haven't and still want to come, just give the hotel a call ans see if they'll work with you. Hope to see you all there!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
Well that auto spell check didn't catch that one. Pasted should have been passed. When you want it to it doesn't and when you do not it does. Hate them on the phone texting.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
I had planned to come to the meet for part of the time but won't be able to make it at all. Was really looking forward to being there as it is so close.
I read where the cutoff date for the event is 4/18/2019. Isn't that still the case?
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
Hi Steve and everyone;
Yest the cut off date is 04/18/2019 to get the discount rate at the hotel. Even if you think your coming please go ahead and book your room now. You can always cancel up until the day of the event. We're going to have a great time touring a great area! So let's go and book the rooms!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
Still time to make reservations but the deadline is closing in. Itinerary will be:
Thursday 05/02/2019 Travel day, check in at the hotel and hospitality room will be open as soon as I can get it open. I hope to arrive there sometime after 12:00.
Friday 05/03/2019 early morning travel to Calimer's Wheel shop. Bill Calimer is one of the few left in the country, and probably the world, that makes spokes and fellows for our era cars. In a small shop he individually makes the spokes and bends the wood to make the fellows for early brass era and our era cars. He will have his steam cabinets up and running and show us how he makes the spokes and wheels. This will be a great opportunity,as he doesn't offer many tours. Then on to York, Pennsylvania to the Harley Davidson Factory assemble line tour. A couple of years ago the ECC took a tour of the Corvette Factory which was very interesting. We even witnessed history being made with a race between a Durant and a DeVaux on the Corvette test track. This time I don't think they'll let us race Harley against Durant's but it still will be interesting. Then back to Gettysburg for dinner and the hospitality room.
Saturday will see us leave the hotel a little later by 9:30 and head to the Gettysburg National Battlefield visitors center and museum for a tour and then off on a driving tour of the Battlefield. Once completed everyone will be on your own to visit the many attractions around Gettsyburg and shopping opportunities. Saturday night the hospitality room will be open. Sunday everyone will be heading out as a travel day.
Now if the weather cooperates we'll have a great time and if it doesn't we will anyway!
See you there!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
The hotel is completely booked at this point, the block rooms are taken as well as the rest of the hotel. Is there anyone who has a room who is cancelling? Please email me at
Is there a group dinner on Friday night or Saturday night or are we on our own for dinner?
I have parts from my dad's 1923 Durant that I'm interested in selling, and will be bringing them with me.
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
Hi Hilkka
I'm sorry for the "all sold out" for the group booking, but I guess that's a good thing for us. Doesn't usually happen. We still have some time, so someone might cancel yet. There are some other good hotels in the area though. Not sure what rate they have. At the ECC chapter meets we usually don't have a banquet or group dinner. Most prefer to go out and eat in small groups or individually. There is no registration fee, but we will collect a small fee at the hotel for the Harley Davidson tour if you are going. We'll be glad to see you there.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: 2019 DMAC East Coast Chapter Spring Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 02-05, 2019
Many of you will be starting your journey in a day or two to Gettysburg. Have a safe trip and I will see you at the Hotel on Thursday afternoon. The hotel will have Durant guest packages for you upon check in and the hospitality room will be open in the evening. Make sure you bring closed toe shoes with you, no sandles, flip flops or open toed shoes for our tour on Friday afternoon at the Harley Davidson assembly plant. I will have an itinerary brochure available for you at the hospitality room in the evening. Get those cars out and make sure they are running for the tours. The good news is we are sold out of rooms the bad news is the weather Thursday and Friday is iffy, but Saturday is scheduled for sunshine all day. See you all there!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan