Durant Motors Internet Forum

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  Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.

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Lastest Updates on the Staten Island Meet

I just spoke to Ed tonight about the upcoming Durant Conference in Staten Island. He is very proud of Staten Island, and wanted me to share the website for Old Richmond Town with the group. It is www.historicrichmondtown.org if you would like to check it out. TripAdvisor is a good source for Staten Island too. He has finalized the lunch on Friday in Old Richmond Town. He is working on subway maps and is sure everyone will be" wow-ed" by the Staten Ferry Ride on Saturday. If you have not signed up you still have a little over 2 months (19 rooms booked to date). And he said don't forget to remind everyone there will be NYC Pizza on Thursday evening in the Hospitality Suite! We hope to see everyone there!
I there are any questions about the meet, feel free to ask Ed, Charlie or me. Hopefully we will have the answers!

Where Are You From? SD/NJ

Do You own a car built by Durant? 4


The Durant Motors Automobile Club