I am happy and sad after I got a E-mail a little bit ago. I just got a picture from a DeVaux owner in the Mid West and the picture is of his Standard Coupe with wood wheels. I have never seen wood wheels on a DeVaux. I wanted to call Howard to share this picture.
Norm has been trying to match up Hayes body numbers with models and I have this coupe listed on the Registry with Wood wheels so I sent him a letter. I forwarded Norm the picture so I hope he can post it. By the way, the coupe has a 151- Hayes number!
Myron had wood wheels on his Blue 31 but they were made up from another make.
Porky Schneider of Kitchener (deceased) had a 1930 DeVaux that had wood wheels. He was at the Fremont Nebraska meet of the Durant Family Registry. We had seven Devaux's at that meet. Porky was very proud of his DeVaux. He had known of the car for many years. He also attended the gathering of DeVaux's at Grand Rapids, Michigan and had pictures of the car at the plant.
Where Are You From? Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Frontenac made by Dominion Motors, Leaside
Hi Gord: I have been in contact with the man that got that car. He is out of the area for now but we are going to talk in late Spring.
Norm, If this Standard coupe in the Mid West is 151-, what will a Standard sedan be?
Dave: What is the Hayes number of your 31 and 32 Coupes?
I just put 1931 DeVaux in Google and I see good pictures (taken in 1992) of the Schneider car in Canada. Also see pictures of Myron's blue 31 that has the wheels he used. (Not correct)
Yes I always thought De caps were Desoto as well. EBay presently has a De Vaux cap same as shown above, calling it a Desoto cap. 282865788290
Wonder if De Vaux and Desoto used same caps. It's not unusual for makes to use parts of other cars. Some Durant's use the Chevy taillights 28 / 29. One 1929 model uses the pine cone handles of the Essex in and out. My 32 Durant uses Essex inside handles. The beehive taillight is used on Dodge Std 6 1929 - 31, Chrysler 65 / 72 / 75, Plymouth 1928 - 31, Durant 40 / 60 / 65, and 1930 - 32, Frontenac 31 / 32. Desoto 1928 - 31, Graham Paige 28K-D 214 / 215. So a connection to Dodge / Desoto / Chrysler / Plymouth.
See if this helps .. tried enlarging the cap above
I don't know Gary .. since owners were calling their cars models they aren't, or have altered them, we have to start at beginning trying to figure out the Hayes body numbers to arrive at proper model for the Hayes number. As you pointed out Myron's has the wrong wheels. You told me long ago someone with a De Vaux liked the Wheel Co wood spoke wheels like is on the 633 Durant Coupe so changed all to those.
So at this point we seem to know Standard Coupe is now 151-xxxx and Custom Coupe is 154-xxxx.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Dominion built 614 Sedan
That cap with De on it is NOT the same as those on the Schneider car. The grease caps on Porky's car had the full name "Devaux" on them. They were the same shape as the "De" ones shown but were definitely "Devaux" Porky was quite proud of this when anyone tried to tell him that his wheels were incorrect. Porky did not find out about the wood wheels being an option until the Grand Rapids meet when he received all the paper work (either by H. Reinke or M. Cummings)
I am sad to say that I did not take a photo of the cap for posterity.
I firmly believe that the "De" cap is from a Desoto
From what I remember, Porky's caps were the same shape, but "DeVaux" was spelled out vertically in raised letters, the background shield shaped and painted black. There must be a photo somewhere. I will see what I can locate.
Where Are You From? Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Frontenac made by Dominion Motors, Leaside
Standard Models are wood wheel but wire was an option at extra price. Terry's site gives the wheels option for Standard. Rest of models had wires, which I guess is why so few surviving De Vaux's have wood.
Daryl's Fronty Ace has the Motor Wheel Co wood wheels same idea as the 633 Coupe and some Reo's.
Now this is interesting on the 680 brochure on back dated 12-31-31 from De Vaux - Hall Motors, Standard models 19 inch wire wheels and Custom models 17 inch wire. No mention of wood at all. The back of the Continental - De Vaux brochure says Five wire wheels on Standard models. Six on Custom models. Again no mention of wood as an option, yet the aftermarket mentions wood.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Dominion built 614 Sedan
This is the 675 De Vaux Standard Coupe those hub caps are on. Perhaps like the various Durant caps D or DURANT across or DURANT on a 45 degree on crest, De Vaux did the same. De across and De Vaux vertical on crest ? De Vaux, Dominion, Durant, Continental were all welded to one another using each others parts. Durant to Chrysler using taillights / headlight lenses. Chevy taillights 28 / 29 on some, Essex door handles on the 70 and 1932 Durant's. So why not De Vaux using Chryslers DeSoto hub caps ? Just tossing it out.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Dominion built 614 Sedan