I picked up my differential parts from the blaster painter today and i'm panicking as it is in pieces. It looks nice, but the differential is in two pieces and the pinion housing is separate. I think the gearing is all together in a bag along with the other parts. It seems he had a guy who specialized in corvette rear end rebuilds take it apart for the guy to paint the housings, which he did, and was supposed to put it back together for me. Well he moved out of the area so now I have my differential in many pieces. I think with the help of the various technical pages in our Tech section I should be able to figure out how to put it back together ( I hope!) My question is I'm not sure if the original gaskets were included in the packages. What type of gasket goes between the pinion housing and the differential and what type of gasket goes between the two halves of the differential pumpkin? Are they paper, cork or what? I know someone has reassembled these before.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
Actually, no gaskets! Use of 600W oil almost prevents oil leaks. Just make SURE that all shims and mating surfaces are super clean! Actually, you can use gasket paste on the axle housings but NOT on the pinion housing. That would change shim stack measurements.
The pinion assembly is installed with required shims. The differential is free to move back and forth to accomplish gear back lash. With differential, housing halves, and pinion assembled with original shims, the pinion will be set as was before disassembly. Install axles and adjust back lash at the ring nut adjusters at the outer ends of the axles. You should be right back where you started.
Thanks Don;
I laid it all on my work bench yesterday and started to panic, but after a few deep breaths I figure I can put this back together. I've never done one. Actually all the parts look real good and the gears are all in great condition. Car had around 45,000 miles on it according to the speedometer.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
Spent my Easter afternoon in the garage. I laid out all my parts for the differential from the box the painter gave me. cleaned them real good and dried them, The bearings and gears looked great with no signs of wear and once I cleaned the bearing good, the spun freely. I've obtained new felt washers for the ends and cleaned all the brake parts. Need to bead blast some of the brake parts and do a good job cleaning out the differential halves. Slight sand residue from the blasting I feel, so I want to wash and clean it out real good. Will start assemble soon I hope with fingers crossed.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
You are correct. Several years ago, one of our members did that and had quite a surprise! Tell ya what,,,,, let's not tell Mikey, and see what happens!!
Happened here in the 60's. Lad got a Star roadster minus rear end. So two of us went out in the countryside where we knew there was a Star chassis rusting away on the side of a field took the rear end off of it. Lad installed the rear end wrong way round and discovered he had one forward and 3 reverse. Sure surprised him also.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Dominion built 614 Sedan