Hi guys:
Thanks so much for your advice. Yes the goop that appears in the filter is black. I haven't removed the tank as yet. As per usual it is about 1/2 full so I will have to gather several containers to drain it. I really don't want to cut it open, so I will try several of your remedies to clear the problem. As the season is closing down, I am not in a great rush to do anything. I am just glad that this didn't occur earlier on in the season. I have put about 1800 successful miles on the car this year. One week I was on a "Antique & Clasic Car Tour" and put on 1050 miles - no problem Two weeks later put on about 400 miles and coming home I had the problem arise.
Cleaned everything, replaced the in-line filter, drove about 100 miles and the problem resurfaced. You can see the black stuff in the bottom of the filter.
I will keep you posted.
Where Are You From? Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Frontenac built by Dominion Motors Ltd.