Glad all went well. On the national tour we will be going into Do Good distillery and they have two gold winning whisky and 1 silver for you. You might find a new friend to bring back to Canada? I recommend cherrywood smoked, peat smoked and beachwood smoked whisky. looking forward to taste them with y'all.
Where Are You From? calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1924 flint/1927 locomobile
Sorry to hear of your Families loss.It looks as though we will meet in Modesto after all.We are looking forward to meeting many durantians there and having a Yukon !!!
Where Are You From? Armidale Australia.
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes. Durant Rugby
Ken, please give Norma a hug from us and tell her how sorry we are to hear of her brother's passing. On a happier note, we are glad you will be able to join us in Modesto in a few weeks!