Our Purpose
Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.
This forum is provided by the Durant Motors Automobile Club located at durantmotors.org
Hey Everyone;
Very exciting news, if you watch the History Channel you'll start seeing advertisements for a 3 night special starting August 13, 2017 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time "The Cars that Made America". Many of the early car people will be featured, Henry Ford of course, Dodge Brothers, Louis Chevrolet and our own William C. Durant. Hopefully it will be as good as the special they did on Harley Davidson a year or so back. I was contacted by the History Channel earlier in the year and provided them some photographs and information from our "Virtual Museum" for them to use as well as provided them some additional knowledge of Durant. I also suggested that they pick the brains of our very own "expert" Bob Smith for the Producer to speak with him. Hopefully they will picture him in a good way, we'll have to see. Anytime we can get Billy Durant mentioned in a show is a good thing! Be sure to tune in or set your DVR to record it.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
Great part 1 of cars that made America. Can't wait for part 2.
Where Are You From? calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1924 flint/1927 locomobile
I watched part 1 last night, not too bad, although there were a number of inaccurate things on there. Casting could have done better on Billy, remember he was a small thin man, who liked to smoke cigars and often wore a bolar hat. Everyone that read the books on Billy, knows the meeting between Henry Ford and Billy took place in a hotel room in New York not on a bridge at night in the fog and mist. There were other things I saw, but for the most part have painted Billy favorably. Let's see how the future episodes treat him.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
Hi All....
Enjoyable so far. not much accuracy in the b-roll footage (the European train and right hand drive Model A Ford roadster)
Looking forward to tonight.
Will Durant Motors get mentioned?
Frank ---
Where Are You From? Hookstown Pennsylvania
Do You own a car built by Durant? many
So far, OK. The writers seemed to have skipped history class on some days. Seems to be skewed toward Ford somewhat. We'll see how the rest unfolds!
Where Are You From? Texarkana, TX
Do You own a car built by Durant? Several
The actor that played Billy Durant does resemble him, so that was a plus.
I realize they are compressing three companies histories into two hours, but I was disappointed to see the History Channel portrayed the meeting between Chrysler and Durant. Durant is preoccupied with his ticker tape machine. It implied that Chrysler left GM shortly afterwards when in fact he stayed until 1919 and left GM a very rich man.
While I expected much attention would be paid to Ford, I think they played down his bad qualities and not much attention was paid to his body guard and the relationship between him and Edsel. Maybe more in the next episode.
I was surprised that not much time was given to the Dodge brothers.
Where Are You From? Fremont, CA
Do You own a car built by Durant? 2 of them
I did not see the first episode, but after just watching the second, I am disappointed. Very little reference to William Crapo Durant. The part showing Sloan getting rid of Durant I didn't feel was well done. Also the commentary inferred that Durant did not venture on to make his own cars, but rather he died shortly after being fired.
The rest of the episode dealt with Ford, Chrysler and General Motors. Even when they showed Ford's new model A , it was NOT a 1928 model but I believe it was a 1931. To most of the folk watching, they probably would not know the difference.
I hope to watch tomorrow night and see if they do any better.
Where Are You From? Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 Frontenac built by Dominion Motors Ltd.
I was a bit disappointed with the second half and, like Gord pointed out, they had Durant broke and belly up just after he left GM. Still seems centered on Ford. I didn't finish this episode but I may watch tomorrow for the third edition unless I have something better to do,,,,,,, like taking a nap,,,,,,,,,,
Where Are You From? Texarkana, TX
Do You own a car built by Durant? Several
Well haven't finished episode 2 yet, but very disappointed with it. Like you all have said, many things were brushed over and some inaccuracies for sure. Didn't mention Billy raising 6 million after leaving GM in about 24 hours to start his own car company, and the "industry historian" who is obviously not a Durant fan, brushed over 26 years of what happened to Durant. In a quick statement he said he declared personal bankruptcy and died a poor man. It also didn't mention that Sloan who was not an enemy but a friend to Durant saw that Durant got a 2,500 a month pension from GM until his death. The quality of casting and things have gone down in many programs. I occasionally watch the Mysteries at the Museum show and it drives me crazy that it looks like some high school clothing designers dress the actors in very inaccurate cloths and uniforms. You have WWII uniforms on WW1 soldiers, Police uniforms are all over the place. I guess they think the public just doesn't care. Another thing in the movie is that it showed a lot of cigarette smoking. The likes of Billy, and others wouldn't be caught dead smoking cigarettes. Gentleman smoked cigars in that time. I guess I'm just going to have to look at the cars and enjoy them.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
I guess they wanted to show how Durant got things going with the early auto industry,then not too interested on his "also ran" efforts after that. I think of Durant as like a Warren Buffett type. The scene where they showed him barely looking up from his ticker tape while Chrysler was talking to him showed how he was really focused on the casino (stock market) above all else.They are showing how badly Ford treated Edsel(which probably killed him), and how he was a "pacifist" prior to WWII or(anti-Semitic Nazi sympathizer).But Ford's attempt at union busting was the big auto related part of this section of the story. Ross
Where Are You From? Orygun
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1930 6-14
Like many others, I am very disappointed in this series. They really brushed Durant's accomplishments under the rug and made no mention of any of the Durant cars after he left GM. To me, what he accomplished after leaving GM was some of his most important work. And to say he dies a broken, and broke, man is to do him a dis-service.
Where Are You From? NE TN Mountains
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes, a couple of them!
When I was contacted earlier this year by the archivist of the television production company I had high hopes for us finally getting some proper recognition for Billy Durant and Durant Motors. I sent them some pictures we had in the museum collection, provided some information and turned them on to Bob Smith our historian to pick his brains on Durant and Durant Motors. Well it doesn't seem that they used any of it and as I stated before, failed miserably in their portrayal of Durant. That's why I am 150% behind our museum effort so that we can highlight Durant and his history as well as the cars of Durant motors. He truly needs the proper recognition.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant
Mike Where are we on the museum effort?
Where Are You From? Tucson
Do You own a car built by Durant? 3
Hi Bob;
Our Vice President Don has completed his interviews with the other individuals who were instrumental in establishing the Partner museums at Gilmore, I've finished the 1st draft of the DMAC by-laws revision that includes the museum and other structural changes to bring us more up to date for any foundation creation to run the museum. I have some more changes to do and then submit it to the BOD for their review. Once they approve, it gets published and then after 30 days it can be posted as our new by-laws. I am rather disappointed in membership donations to be honest and have had dribbles come in as far as donations, $5.00 here, $10.00 there, with the exception of a very generous donation at the first of the year of $5,000 from some great members for our museum. Major Donor is still with us and pledges his part. We're still moving, slowly but moving.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant