Our Purpose
Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.
This forum is provided by the Durant Motors Automobile Club located at durantmotors.org
Got an email from Photobucket saying it will not allow 3rd party posting. Going on their site this was effective June 1 2017. Not sure what they are talking about as I just tried posting a pic using the method we have used for years and pic was in DMAC Forum. The Share This Photo still tells you what to use HTML or IMG to embed the pic to a forum, eBay, etc. The info below even tells you to upload and then copy the code to put elsewhere like Forum ????
I'll tell you Photobucket is full of pop up ads constantly to get to our photos.
What is 3rd Party Hosting?
Photobucket defines 3rd party hosting as the action of embedding an image or photo onto another website. For example, using the tag to embed or display a JPEG image from your Photobucket account on another website such as a forum, Etsy, eBay auction listings, a blog, etc. is definitively 3rd party hosting.
Why Photobucket?
Photobucket is the global destination for linking and 3rd party hosting. In Photobucket’s 14-year history, the Company amassed over 100 million registered users, over 15 billion images stored, 2 million daily uploads and 10 billion photos accessed monthly.
Easy to Use – Upload a photo from any device and copy the embed code with one click to host a photo with no development or technical knowledge required
Are my pictures still safe?
Yes! All your photos are still available by logging into your Photobucket Account. Photobucket has only restricted the ability to view your photos on 3rd party sites.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan
Testing with Shutterfly
Where Are You From? Fremont, CA
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes I do
Was going to tease and say this is a nice picture of a 618 but you can tell the difference by the bumpers. 619 has closed ends and oval like center medallion. 618 and 1932 614 has open end bumpers with diamond shaped medallion. See the 1932 618 in Switzerland in Photo's to compare. The bumper backing bars front and rear are same 1930 - 32, if twin bar or single bar.
I note this 619 has same exterior handles as Wayne's 619, somewhat similar to the Canadian 407 which do not have the raised center line the 619 does.
I am not sure if the Canadian 32 614 / 618 exterior handles are 619 but appear to look like Wayne's. However interior handles are 1930 Essex on the 32's.
Just tried an experiment and copied my handles to Photobucket and then put here using the HTML copy. It refused and got same pic as Rick's hood latch first posting about upgrading to P500 (for $400 a year)
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan
Yes, that is a 619, and from what I've found it's in the best shape of the handful that still survive. This one is located in Finland and it's for sale.
Do You own a car built by Durant? two of them
Just got threatened again by Photobucket ha ha What a joke and will not ever use it again.
Some features on your account will be disabled. WE NOTICED THAT YOU HAVE BEEN USING PHOTOBUCKET FOR 3RD PARTY HOSTING
I seem to recall this Blue / Black 619 before .. L 2078 owner Raimo Holomaa of JarvenAA Finland. Engine 22A-27092 head casting 3/24/31. Its also partly in Terry's durantcars with wrong vin L 2079.
Sale site
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan
$24,000 Euros comes out to 28,100 USD and 35,050 CD.
I have stayed in contact with the owner a real nice guy.
I hope it goes to someone that will keep it in the DMAC.
Do You own a car built by Durant? yes
Hello all Durantonians!
As the owner of this car I was suprised to see it in the forum of our club.
As known I unfortunately is compelled to sell this beautiful vehicle for personal reasons. If some of you really are interested in buying this car I am ready to check the price idea.
As a life time member of our club I hope all the best to all of you.
Where Are You From? jarvenpaa Finland
Do You own a car built by Durant? Durant 619
It seems to have a unique instrument surround as shown on the sales site. Other 619's have the same surround as the 1931 / 32 Durant's. Charlie's 619 has same as my 32 614 and other 1931 614's. Even former Odus Raymer's 614 odd ball 614 as same standard surround.
Good old Billy and no two cars the same
We can hope this stays in the DMAC family.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan
I have the picture of your 619 on my Windows desktop, it is the inspiration for the restoration of my own Durant 619.
Where Are You From? Fremont, CAL
Do You own a car built by Durant? two fo them
To jump back to the original issue - I tried to use Photobucket a while and got frustrated with the ads etc. I put together a document discussing how to use Google Photos for posting pictures. No ads, no cost and not really that hard to use.
Here is the link to the document I put together explaining how to use Google Photos
Good Luck
Where Are You From? Grand Junction, CO
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Star Coupe, 1929 Durant 663, 1929 Durant 666
Might be worth a try but go back further Tom for us novices on how to even get in there. All I get is enter your Google account when I follow your instructions. I have no Google account. Google is just a search engine on IE overriding Bing, since Bing misses a lot of things Google finds. My eldest did something in Win 7 so Google comes up but Bing is still behind the scenes.
Don't have any of these things nor want them
You can sign up for a Google Account to use Gmail, Google+, YouTube, and other Google products that use the same username and password.
On any Google sign-in page, you can also select More options and then Create account
Don't have any of these things either or want them.
2.Open a private window. To learn how and find out more, select a browser:
•Microsoft Edge
This thing seems even worse than Photobucket
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan
Took a lot of messing about to finally get an account and I did download a pic to this thing. Enlarge and right click do not give me any options for the pic. All I can do is share by putting an email address to whom I want it sent to, Edit, Zoom, Info, or Delete.
Maybe one needs a fancy PC ??? or just send pic's to Rick to post
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan
Two more pics hosted on shutterfly also of a 619.
I looked at google before but didn't find an easy way to capture the image address to post on the website. My tests failed. But it may work for someone else.
Shutterfly seems to work, but getting the image URL is not as easy as photobucket. Basically you display the picture and right click on it with your mouse and copy the address.
It works, but I'm not ready to recommend any service so far even though I don't like the road Photobucket has decided to go down.
Where Are You From? Fremont, CAL
Do You own a car built by Durant? two o fthem
I tried Tom's Google directions and found it much easier to use than Photobucket. I just can't find how to create different albums. Anyhoo, I won't go back to Photobucket!
Where Are You From? Texarkana, TX
Do You own a car built by Durant? Several
Just deleted Google account since that doesn't work with my pc.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 sedan