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Re: New Owner Needs Assistance

Hi Parker;
Welcome to the Durant family, and your new title a "Durantonian" as we say, there are Technical advisors listed on the "contact us" section on the left side of this web site. They would be more than happy to help you out and you always have the forum that you can post pictures and questions of things needed to get and keep your car running. One of the most important things if you have not already done it, is to click the "join us Membership" button and become a member. Our club magazine "The Partner" offers excellent articles and also parts sales by members. Bust money ever spent!

Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan from Elizabeth, NJ Plant

Re: New Owner Needs Assistance

Hi Parker:
Tried to reply earlier but my post did not get on. I am presently working on a D40 and into my second year. I am keeping a blog of my project at www.jimmys-durant.com that will give you an idea of how it is going. I thought at the time of buying it that it would need engine rebuild and drive train work but they are really simple and solid and it is running fine. I have had some problems finding parts but a little creativity can get you through. I am not worrying too much about authenticity as it will not be a judged vehicle. I went with a current muffler system and flexible water pipes and I have chosen gm and ford paints in colours that I prefer. I have gone to the DMAC sight for help on occasion and I have a manual from that sight but I did not see one for your car. It is probably similar as mine has a w5 engine and it can be downloaded from the DMAC sight. I would be happy to share any ideas or sources. jcmc_2@sympatico.ca Good luck with your project. Hope to hear from you,
Jim Cooke

Where Are You From? Lombardy, Ontario

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1929 D 40


The Durant Motors Automobile Club